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  • FAQs on the Funding & Tenders Portal


The European Solidarity Corps programme finances volunteering (including humanitarian aid) and solidary projects. activities open to 18-30 (35 for Humanitarian aid volunteering) year old people who legally reside in a EU Member State or in a third country associated to the Programme (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Turkey and Republic of North Macedonia) and who have registered in the European Solidarity Corps PortalThe programme implements the following operational actions:

  • Volunteering projects
  • Solidarity projects
  • Volunteering in humanitarian aid operations

The Mobility tab in the continuous reporting for this programme manages the:

  • Volunteers' personal information (Student libraryVolunteers)
  • Mobility declarations for the periods funded for volunteers

(warning) The mobility declaration is part of both continuous and periodic reporting.

(warning) Note that:

  • only the Coordinator can edit the Mobility tab. The other partners involved in the project have read-only access.
  • the Project Officers do not ‘accept’ or ‘reject’ the Mobility Declaration: they can only reopen it (the consortium can't reopen a submitted declaration). See "Important note" below for more information.  

Source Document 

Who can edit and submit mobility declarations

The Primary Coordinator Contact/Coordinator Contact can save/edit/delete/submit all mobility declarations for the coordinator and any beneficiary organisation involved in the project. The Participant Contact of the Sending Organisation (or of the Hosting Organisation in case of an Associated Partner) can save/edit/delete/submit mobility declaration for its organisation.The Model Grant Agreement for ERASMUS+ Unit Grants specifies that the mobility declaration should be encoded in the Portal Continuous Reporting and regularly updated. 

Important note

If the technical part or the financial statement of the Final Periodic Report is locked, changes to the mobility declaration will no longer be possible!

Also, if the Final Periodic Report is open for the current project and the Financial Statement for the Coordinator or the Technical Part are not in draft anymorehave no longer a DRAFT status, then a Mobility Declaration: 

  • can't be submitted
  • can't be reopened by the Project Officer 
  • can't be updated 

student in the Project Student Library volunteer information can't be reopened by the Project Officer for updates if any of the Mobility Declarations linked to this student volunteer can't be reopened.

Automatic calculation of the costs in the Financial Statement based on the duration

The system automatically calculates the costs (for "Contributions for Scholarships" and "Institutional Contribution" cost categories*) in the Financial Statement (these costs therefore won't be editable anymore in the Financial Statement), based on the:

  • duration (in person months) of the study period in the Mobility Declaration

*(warning) There is no automatic calculation for the “Special Needs” cost category and the corresponding amount has to be inserted by the Coordinator.

The calculation happens as follows: 

  • For each submitted Mobility Declaration:
    • the number of units (Person/Months) is calculated based on the following formula: 
      • the number of full months that fall in the Study Period ( (warning) Please note that a full month is calculated as the period of time extending from the date of the calendar month, which corresponds to the start day of a study period, to the date before the same day of the month in the following calendar month. So, if the study period starts on the day Xth of month N, a full month ends the date before the day Xth of month N+1 (or the date before the last day of month N+1, if that month is shorter than X days).)
  • the number of remaining days divided by 30 (with 7 decimals)
  • Examples of calculation:

  • a study period starting on 15 December 2019 and ending on 14 January 2020 accounts for one month
  • a study period starting on 31/01/2021 and ending on 10/03/2021 accounts for:
  • one full month:  from  31/01/2021 until 27/02/2021
  • 11 remaining days/ 30 =  0


    3666666 months

  • Total = 1.3666666 month 
  • Relevant screens in the Participant Portal Grant Management Services

    The Mobility tab is divided in three two different parts:tables:

    1. Volunteers
    2. the Master duration: here you must add the duration of the project (master programme) in month before encoding any students
    3. Student library: here you can add the selected students (scholarship and non-scholarship holders)volunteers and encode their personal information
    4. Mobility declaration: here you can add the mobility declarations for the enrolled students (scholarship and non-scholarship holders) 

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    The Student and Mobility
    1. volunteers

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    Show If
    group it-administrators, it-view-rights

    not visible to the users - to be made visible when SYGMA-55711 is delivered to PROD: 

    The volunteers data and the mobility data can be downloaded as an Excel file by clicking on the Excel document sign.

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    Duration of the MasterAdding a student declaration for student student  student


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    This field is editable only by the Coordinator of project and can be edited up to the moment the first student is saved in the Student Library.

    This is therefore the very first data you need to encode.

    Editing the Master duration

    • Choose from the drop-down list the Master duration

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    • Click Save 

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    2.Student Library


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    In order to avoid re-entering multiple times the personal information about the same person, the Volunteers table has been implemented.

    The table contains the personal information of each volunteer

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    The student library contains the personal information about the student and states whether a mobility declaration has already been submitted or not (or regardless the status of MD).

    The same student volunteer can be assigned to different study volunteering periods in the context of the same project (master programme).

    The personal data of a student volunteer can only be modified if no Mobility Declaration has been submitted.

    In order to avoid re-entering multiple times the personal information about the same person, a Student Library has been implemented with the information about the students who have taken part in the project (master programme).

    Adding a volunteer
    • Click Add New StudentVolunteer to add a student volunteer which is not listed in the Student Library 'Volunteer' table (has not taken part in any submitted Mobility Declaration).

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    • Indicate if the volunteer dropped-out at a certain date by flagging the check-box and indicate the start date for the drop-out (this date will be the end date for the volunteering periods of the mobility declaration)
    • Complete the personal information of the student, click Validate (to validate the correctness of the information encoded) and Save. You can also Cancel the addition. The fields to be completed are: 

      • PRN ID (Unique Identifier for the Volunteer from the European Solidarity Corps Portal) 
      • First name (mandatory)
      • Family name (mandatory)
      • Gender (mandatory)
      • Nationality (mandatory)
      • Birthdate Birth date (mandatory)
      • Special needs (mandatory, if applicable choose one of the options)
      • Type of person
        • Accompanying person
        • Volunteer
        • Volunteer with Fewer Opportunities
      • Fewer opportunities Fewer opportunities (mandatory, if applicable choose one of the options); for the definition of the options, see below:
          • Barriers linked to discrimination
          • Barriers linked to education and training systems
          • Cultural differences
          • Disabilities
          • Economic barriers
          • Geographical barriers
          • Health problems
          • Not applicable
          • Social barriers
          • Other reasons
      • E-mail address address (mandatory, the student's e-mail address should remain valid for at least 2 years)
      • Phone
      • Address
      • Postal code
      • City of residence (mandatory, in English)
      • Country of residence(mandatory)
      • Student profile (mandatory, choose one of the options); for the definition of the options, see below:
          • Non-scholarship holder: An enrolled student who is not a scholarship holder

          • Scholarship holder – Main: A scholarship holder coming from a Programme country or from a non-targeted partner country

          • Scholarship holder – Targeted region: A scholarship holder coming from a targeted partner country

      • Student category (mandatory, choose one of the options); for the definition of the options, see below:
        • For Non-scholarship holder: Partner country – no targeted region or Programme country

        • For Scholarship holder – Main: Partner country – no targeted region or Programme country

        • For Scholarship holder – Targeted region:

            • Partner country - Targeted region 1 - Western Balkans
            • Partner country - Targeted region 3 - South-Mediterranean countries
            • Partner country - Targeted region 5 - Asia

            • Partner country - Targeted region 6 - Central Asia

            • Partner country - Targeted region 7 - Middle East

            • Partner country - Targeted region 8 - Pacific

            • Partner country - Targeted region 9 - Sub-Saharan Africa

            • Partner country - Targeted region 10 - Latin America

            • Partner country - Targeted region 11 - Caribbean

      • Edition of the master (mandatory)
      • University of origin (mandatory)
      • Country of University of origin (mandatory)
      • First Host Institution
      • Arrival date
      • Planed study duration (in months)
      • Comments
      • - the volunteers need to be resident in the countries being part of ESC Programme Country or ESC Partner Country (the latter only for ESC-SOLID-UN)
      • Support Organisation (mandatory)
      • Country of Support Organisation
      • Arrival date
      • Comments

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    Adding a (new)

    declaration for a


    Click to add a declaration for this student volunteer (see "adding a declaration" below for more information on how to complete the rest of the steps)

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    Revising the data of a


    You can only modify the data of the students volunteers for whom a mobility declaration was not submitted*. To do so, click on the corresponding row and edit the data in the pop-up.  

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    When finished click Validate and, if all correct, Save (otherwise, click Cancel and the action is canceled). 

    *The revision of the student volunteer data after the submission of linked mobility declaration(s) can be done only if the submitted mobility declaration(s) is/are reopened by the Project Officer (reverted to the DRAFT status)  and and the Project Officers allows the revision (by clickingImage Modified button button displayed under the "Action" column). Allowing the revision of the data for a student volunteer will determine the reversion to the "Draft" status of all linked submitted mobility declarations for that studentvolunteer.    

    Deleting the data of a


    Click  to to delete the data of a studentvolunteer.

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    Click Save to confirm that you need to delete the data (otherwise, click Cancel and the action is canceled).

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    Please note that you can delete only the data of students volunteers for which there is no linked mobility declaration (neither in in Draft nor Submitted).

    To delete the data of studentsvolunteers, first you need to cancel the linked mobility declaration (only for for Draft ).


    2. Mobility Declaration


    (information about the mobility history of



    Each time a student volunteer is involved in a study/ mobility (volunteering period), a mobility declaration must be added.

    Adding a mobility declaration

    • There are two ways to add a mobility declaration
      • On the row of the volunteer for which you wish to add a mobility declarations, go to the 'Actions' column and click Add new mobility (Volunteering periods)

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      • Click the Add new mobility (
      • Volunteering periods) button above the 'Mobility Declarations' table

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          • Select the
          • volunteer for whom you complete the mobility declaration

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    • The tab automatically displays the personal information of the selected
    student will be then displayed below
    • volunteer.

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    • Complete the Mobility information tab of the pop-up and indicate:
      • the
    • Sending
      • Support Organisation (the name of the
    • University in
      • organisation to which the
    • student is enrolled and is awarding ECTS
      • volunteer belongs, mandatory information).
    • It
      • The Support Organisation must be a full partner.
      • the
    • Destination
      • Host Organisation (the name of the organisation where the
    • Student
      • volunteer is sent for the
    • study
      • volunteering period
    • ,
      • and the country mandatory information).
    • It
      • The Host Organisation can be a full or associated partner or any other organisation hosting the
    • student.

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    Complete the Study Periods tab of the pop-up and indicate:

      • volunteer.
      • the type of the volunteering experience (mandatory information)
      • if the volunteer goes as an individual, flag the Individual Volunteering checkbox (only for ESC-HUMAID-UN)
      • if the volunteer is the member of a volunteering team, indicate the team s/he belongs to
      • the type of recognition used for the volunteer

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    • Complete the Volunteering Periods tab of the pop-up:
      • Click Add Period* and indicate:
        • if you would like to add a suspension by flagging the Suspension checkbox
          • indicate the Reason for Suspension 
        • the start date of the volunteering period
      the start date of the Study/Mobility Period*
        • the end date of the
      Study/Mobility Period*
    • indicate the total ECTS to be acquired (the sum of ECTS credits encoded in the declared study periods)

    *To ensure the continuity of the different periods and of the financial support, the study/mobility periods must include the academic holiday periods.

        • volunteering period

    *You may add more than one period. The duration of a cumulative volunteering period is min. 14 days and max. 60 days for the same volunteer, per volunteering team. For ESC-HUMAID-UN only: the volunteering period for the same person cannot be less than 60 days and cannot exceed 365 days for individual volunteering.

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    When finished click Validate and, if all correct, Save (otherwise, click Cancel and the action is canceled). 

    Editing a mobility declaration

    Once the user has completed the instructions above, by creating a declaration, the system adds the new Mobility Declaration to the Mobility Declaration list, in DRAFT.

    (warning) Please note that for declarations in draft all data is still editable: click on the relevant declaration to edit again (the student volunteer information is only editable from the Student library Volunteers table and only for those students volunteers for whom no mobility declaration was submitted yet).

    (warning) To edit the mobility declaration after it has been submitted*, the Project Officer will have to Reopen the mobility declaration (by clicking button).

    *More details about when the mobility declaration can be reopened by the Project Office is available above, in the section "Important note".

    • Click on row of the declaration and update the data in the 'Edit Mobility (Volunteering Period)' pop-up

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    When finished click Validate and, if all correct, Save (otherwise, click Cancel and the action is canceled). Image Removed

    Submitting a mobility declaration

    • Click Submit mobility declaration

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    • Confirm that you want to submit the declaration

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    • Click Image Removed Submit to submit the declaration

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    (warning) Once a Mobility Declaration has been submitted, the only data that’s still editable are the


    volunteering/suspension period dates

    and the ECTS

    . The status of the declaration is now SUBMITTED.

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    Deleting a mobility declaration 

    • Click Delete Mobility Declaration

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    • Confirm that you wish to delete the declaration

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    (warning) Only the mobility declarations in status DRAFT can be deleted. 

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