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All pages about Grant Agreement Termination

Process description and steps

The general concepts of the Grant Management Services system also apply to the Grant Agreement Termination Process. 

Step 1: The Coordinator logs in to the Funding & Tenders Portal

Please click here to find out how to log in to the Funding & Tenders Portal. 

(info) Only the Coordinator Contact Person can perform this action.

Step 2: The Coordinator checks the Grant Agreement Termination by EU Pre-Information Letter and prepares his/her observations

The EU Officer informs the Consortium via a formal notification (PNS) that the European Commission has started a procedure to terminate the Grant Agreement, and asks to submit a document with its "observations" in the context of a so-called "contradictory procedure", within 30 days from the receipt of the pre-information letter.

The Grant Agreement Termination Observations Clock has already started in Compass at the moment when the Pre-Information Letter was sent to the Consortium. Then the Commission Initiated Grant Agreement Termination flow is launched.

Step 3: Prepare the Observations document and upload it

(info) Only the Coordinator Contact Person can perform this action.

After reading and analysing the reasons given by the Commission for the Grant Agreement termination, the Coordinator prepares and uploads the Observations document, as follows: 

a) Click on "Upload" button

b) Add the Observations document and click on OK

c) Once the document has been uploaded click on Submit to EU to send it to the Commission

d) The Observations document has been successfully uploaded:

e) Alternatively, click on Close without Observations to automatically give your agreement for the termination of the Grant Agreement

(warning) Please refresh the page regularly to move the process forward!

Step 4: GA termination is either confirmed or cancelled: Consortium is formally notified about the decision of the EU Services

After the assessment of the Observations document (if any) or after the 30 days from the receipt of the Pre-information letter have passed: the EU Officer decides weather the flow continues or is cancelled.

If the flow:

  • continues (Grant Agreement is terminated), then the EU Officer will formally notify the Consortium via a GA Termination Final Letter
  • is cancelled (Grant Agreement is not terminated), then the EU Officer will formally notify the Consortium via a GA Termination Cancellation Letter.