Fisheries Areas Network


  • Mediterranean resource management and adding value

    - Actualité
    Thanks to the collaboration between two FLAGs, French and Italian fishing and shellfish operators will be improving their capacity to adapt their activities to environmental and market trends, ensuring the economic viability of Mediterranean fisheries.
  • Seaweed assessment and management plan along Latvia’s coast

    - Good Practice Project
    Les GALPA lettons se sont associés à un projet de coopération pour le financement d’une étude visant à évaluer le potentiel de production d’algues dans les eaux lettonnes et à identifier des pistes pour un plan de gestion destiné à assurer l’exploitation durable de cette ressource.
  • Keeping FLAGs in action between programming periods

    - Good Practice Method
    Le Gouvernement régional de Galice propose un exemple concret de planification du DLAL afin que les GALPA restent opérationnels entre deux périodes de programmation. Cette approche a contribué à préserver la dynamique locale et la crédibilité développée par les GALPA et à assurer la mise à disposition rapide de fonds pour de nouveaux projets de la nouvelle période.
  • Highland & Moray FLAG --ARCHIVED as of 31 January 2020--

    - Fiches FLAG
    --ARCHIVED as of 31 January 2020-- Previously operating as two separate FLAGs, Highland and Moray have formed a regional partnership to deliver the 2014-2020 programme. The Highland & Moray FLAG is the largest UK FLAG in operation covering 4,985km of coastline around some of the most sparsely populated and remote land in Europe.
  • Shetland Islands FLAG --ARCHIVED as of 31 January 2020--

    - Fiches FLAG
    --ARCHIVED as of 31 January 2020-- Shetland is an island archipelago located 340 km north of Aberdeen and 362 km west of Bergen, Norway. It consists of over 100 islands and islets of which 16 are inhabited.
  • South Danube FLAG

    - Fiches FLAG
    The FLAG is a geographically homogeneous area located in the south of Teleorman county on the left bank of the Danube River. The main fishing area is located along the 85km long coastline.
  • Calarasi Danube FLAG

    - Fiches FLAG
    The FLAG territory is flat, located in the South-East of the country and consists of the Bărăgan plain and the Danube meadow. In the FLAG area, there are natural coastline wetlands with great biological diversity.
  • Braila FLAG

    - Fiches FLAG
    The FLAG area is located in the Braila Plainm in the South-east of the country, in the basins of the Danube, Calmăţui and Siret rivers. The natural environment, through its hydrographic network, relief, vegetation and fauna, fosters the development of the fisheries sector and tourism.
  • Guidelines to strengthen organizations representing the small-scale fishing sector

    - Actualité
    Practical action points to strengthen small-scale fishing organisations and help them make their voices heard in the decision-making process
  • Trialling more selective lobster pots

    - Good Practice Project
    Le GALPA coopère avec l'organisme local de gestion des pêches afin d'encourager les pêcheurs à tester des casiers à homards avec des évents de sortie/d’échappement spécialement conçus. À la clé, des avantages commerciaux et environnementaux