Fisheries Areas Network


  • Denmark - 10 FLAGs - 15,7 M€

    - Country Factsheet
    The Danish FLAG areas represent approximately 23% of the country’s surface area and 11% of the population. In the current programming period, CLLD in Denmark focuses on promoting economic growth, social inclusion and job creation, with a focus on projects that support the marketing of fisheries products and the diversification of fisheries businesses.
  • Producing fish and seaweed

    - Good Practice Project
    A local company is piloting the integration a vertical seaweed cultivation system into the recirculated aquaculture system (RAS) industry to reduce the environmental impact of land-based fish production.
  • Energy Island: Networking for local economic impact

    - Good Practice Project
    FLAG-ryhmän tukemassa hankkeessa 17 paikallisyrityksen muodostama verkosto vahvistaa Bornholmin asemaa yhtenä Tanskan kahdesta energiasaaresta, joissa keskitytään tuulivoiman tuottamiseen ja muuntamiseen.
  • Creating a new tourist destination based on recreational fishing

    - Basic page
    Despite experiencing environmental strain, the Limfjord has an abundance of sea trout. This species is very attractive to anglers. A FLAG-LAG cooperation project addresses local economic and environmental goals by creating a new tourist location based on recreational fishing.
  • Creating a new tourist destination based on recreational fishing

    - Good Practice Project
    Limvuonossa on ympäristörasituksesta huolimatta runsaasti meritaimenta, joka on virkistyskalastajien suosima laji. Alueen talous- ja ympäristötavoitteiden saavuttamiseksi FLAG-ryhmät ovat yhdessä paikallisten toimintaryhmien kanssa perustaneet vapaa-ajankalastukseen keskittyvän uuden matkailukohteen.
  • Old boat engine factory transformed in a multipurpose community hub

    - Good Practice Project
    On Ærø Island, a disused boat engine factory has been turned into a community hub supporting local maritime entrepreneurship. The project aims to boost the island’s economy and social cohesion.
  • Denmark’s first open-water mussel farm

    - Good Practice Project
    Keterminden luonnonmukainen simpukkaviljelmä on Tanskan ensimmäinen yritys, joka markkinoi avovedessä viljeltyjä simpukoita. Sen tavoitteena on tuottaa laadukkaita sinisimpukoita tehokkaasti ja ympäristöystävällisesti, mikä puolestaan vauhdittaa mereen liittyviä toimintoja alueella ja luo sinne uusia työpaikkoja.
  • Agersø shipyard restoration: breathing new life into a decaying building

    - Good Practice Short Story
    Residents of a Danish island formed the Association of Agersø Great Belt-Shipyard to buy and renovate an old building used as a shipyard. This initiative aims to boost local business and increase the harbourfront’s attractiveness.
  • Recycling polystyrene fish boxes

    - Good Practice Project
    Some creative thinking and investment have led to the creation of Denmark’s first recycling plant to process expanded polystyrene into plastic pellets that can be sold to manufacturers for a wide range of new products. This is a leap forward in terms of handling used fish boxes.
  • Seaweed business knowledge & skills for local seafood price improvement

    - Cooperation Idea
    The Djursland FLAG is looking to learn from other FLAG areas in order to develop projects to improve the sales price of local seafood, ideally in contexts similar with its fisheries communities (small-scale, Baltic/North Sea coastal fisheries).