Las tecnologías y los datos digitales están cambiando radicalmente la economía y la sociedad, y tienen el potencial de permitir una consecución integra de la Agenda 2030 y los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS). El ciberespacio es un componente esencial de la sociedad moderna. Los servicios gubernamentales, el sector financiero y las infraestructuras críticas, como las escuelas y los hospitales, dependen cada vez más y de forma irreversible de la interconectividad y de la red mundial. Es esencial garantizar unos servicios y unas herramientas digitales asi como un acceso seguro a Internet fiables, así como unas infraestructuras críticas seguras. En términos más generales, una mayor resiliencia cibernética permite a la poblacion confiar, utilizar y beneficiarse de la innovación, la conectividad y la automatización, y es esencial para salvaguardar los derechos y las libertades fundamentales.

A man touching a digital screen with icons. Cybersecurity concept network of connected devices and personal data security

    The digital and technological space is becoming an increasingly important part of the geopolitical discussion. The EU’s has progressed towards a successful digital transformation for people, businesses, and the environment and continued to promote its vision of digital transformation to international partners. Through its Digital Diplomacy, the EU aims to secure our global role in digital affairs, to promote our human-centric approach to digital transition and protect the EU’s strategic interests. This training is conceived as a tool to support EU Delegation diplomats in improving their understanding of key technological issues and their knowledge of the EU digital policies.

      In this podcast, Dr. Pawlak elaborates on cyber diplomacy and its importance for the EU, the increasing need for cyber capacity building, specifically in development policies, and provides insight into the influential trends of cyber capacity building in international cooperation.

      Duration: 29 min

        In this podcast, Mr Joe Burton tells us more about his line of work and his main areas of expertise, including cyber warfare and cyber diplomacy. Furthermore, we discuss gender issues in cyber security as well as other challenges that different region face in this field.

        Duration: 32 min

          In this podcast, Ms Alison August tells us more about her role promoting the organisation’s counter-terrorism agenda in Latin America and the Caribbean, the organisation’s approach to cybersecurity, and about her experience in cyber capacity building and cybercrime.

          Duration: 18 min

            This course provides essential notions of cybersecurity, particularly within the context of international development and cooperation. It presents the basic concepts of cybersecurity, the existing and emerging threats in cyberspace, the EU cybersecurity policy framework and legislation, the essential traits of cyber diplomacy, cyber capacity building activities and how the EU contributes to global cyber resilience through its programmes.

            Duration: 1,5 h

              In this podcast, Ms Folake Olagunku tells us about the West African response to cybersecurity and fight against cybercrime, the importance of enhancing the cyber resilience of critical infrastructures as well as the relationship between cybersecurity and the traditional priorities of West African governments, such as socioeconomic development.

              Duration: 25 min

                In this podcast, Mr Bertrand Lathoud tells us about the Luxembourg Cybersecurity Competence Centre, how cyber capacity building tools and programs used in developing countries can also be relevant at the national level for EU member states and Luxembourg’s cybersecurity priorities at the national and European levels.

                Duration: 29 min

                  The course will explore the main concepts of digital dynamics in the context of development cooperation, present milestone documents on the wider policy framework of digitalisation, introduce EU objectives and strategies for the digital age and analyse how digital solutions can help with other challenges such as climate change.

                  Duration: 9 hours

                    This toolkit provides operational references and concrete examples to improve development actions, with a focus on best practices related to Digitalisation. The toolkit is composed of a series of individual, independent info-sheets, covering a diverse range of subjects.

                    Also available in French and Spanish

                      This webinar, designed for EU Delegations staff, covered the building blocks of e-governance, benefits and challenges of e-governance and its potential in partnerships with third countries. e-Governance is about changing how governments work, share information and deliver services thanks to the use of ICT, optimisation of working procedures and supporting legal framework.

                      Duration: 1 h 30 min

                      This webinar is destined to EU staff in HQ and delegations.

                        This webinar is part of a series of two about artificial intelligence technologies, EU policies and concrete applications in EU partnerships worldwide. It covers an introduction on basic concepts of AI and its impact in our daily life, an overview of AI in developing countries and a presentation of the EU strategy, main policies and key geopolitical challenges in AI.

                        Duration: 1 h 10 min

                          In this podcast, with Klara Jordan, we discuss the Cyber Peace Institute’s initiatives, cyber security resilience in vulnerable communities and strengthening cybersecurity in developing countries through cooperation between the public and the private sector.

                          Duration: 23 min