Este tema abarca un amplio abanico de cuestiones que afectan a la agricultura y el desarrollo rural (cambio climático, agua, suelos, desarrollo territorial, innovación, gestión de riesgos, materias primas, ganado, RPU, acceso a los mercados, organizaciones agrícolas, etc.) y cuestiones transversales.

There is a land with agricultural crops and with an infographic about agriculture

    This sector note provides specific guidance for actions in agriculture, food security and rural development in EU international cooperation and development.

    Also available in French Spanish

      These videos cover agroecology aspects such as: what is agroecology and how it can be used to achieve climate, environment and biodiversity commitments of the Green Deal while also meeting the Farm to Fork Strategy’s objectives; how agroecology main concepts and applications can be integrated in future programmes.

      Duration: 35 min