Este tema abrange questões como a estabilidade macroeconómica, a política orçamental, o crescimento económico, a dívida pública, a gestão das finanças públicas (incluindo a contratação pública) e a responsabilização financeira, assim como as suas consequências práticas para os programas de desenvolvimento, em especial as operações de apoio orçamental, mas também os projetos de cooperação técnica.  

There hands of men with documents, tablet and calculator

    This e-Learning course introduces the basic concepts of EU budget support in line with the policy set out in the Budget Support Communication (2011) and detailed in the EU Budget Support Guidelines (2017, updated version)

    Duration: 3 hours

      The updated 2017 budget support guidelines incorporated the new policy context, lessons learned and strengthened guidance notably on policy dialogue and domestic revenue mobilisation, while streamlining reporting requirements. Budget support involves direct financial transfers to the national treasury of the partner country – conditional on policy dialogue, performance assessment and capacity building.

      Tools and Methods Series, Guidelines No 7. Version September, 2017

      Also available in FrenchSpanishPortuguese

        The objective of these documents is to provide methodological and operational assistance to EU Delegations with a view to supporting the identification, formulation and implementation of sector budget support operations in the different fields.

          This course consists of concise packages (90 minutes each) to understand the basics of public procurement in general (particularly procurement systems as policy tool) and responses to emergencies (like the COVID-19) in particular.

          Duration: 4.5 hours

          This course is destined to EU staff in HQ and delegations.

            The purpose of this reference document is to provide guidance on how to promote the participation of civil society in domestic policy and budget processes. The document focuses on both national and local levels, with a view to identifying entry points for EU support in terms of policy dialogue and operational support.

            Tools and Methods Series, Reference Document No 18. Version May, 2014

              Budget Support is a method favoured by the European Commission for its sustainability, based on partnership, country ownership, trust and results. To strengthen these, the EU had updated and simplified its Budget Support Guidelines.

              Duration: 10 min

              To read the updated Budget Support Guidelines click here

              Also available in French Spanish