Die EU widmet sich im Rahmen ihrer Entwicklungszusammenarbeit zunehmend den Herausforderungen, die sich aus fragilen und krisenhaften Situationen ergeben. Dieser Trend spiegelt sich nicht nur im Hinblick auf eine sehr umfangreiche Finanzierung, sondern auch in der Ausrichtung der jüngsten EU-Entwicklungspolitik wider. 

A young business man holding an umbrella to shield himself against a strong headwind. Conceptual image depicting adversity.

    This online course will introduce participants to the concept of conflict sensitivity, and provide them with an opportunity to practice the integration of conflict sensitivity into EU action.

    Duration: 2.5 hours

    Also available in: Français

      This is a handbook written by staff. It recounts staff experience as told in the first person and documented in evaluations. As such, it seeks to reap the benefits of the EU's rich experience in situations of conflict and fragility.

      Tools and Methods Series, Reference Document No 17
      Version June, 2015

        The publication "Operationalising the EU Strategic Approach to Resilience" presents eight practical case studies from which EU development practitioners and policymakers can learn – and thereby deepen their knowledge and understanding of how to implement resilience in various contexts, including fragile and conflict-affected contexts.

        Case studies
        Version November, 2017

          The document focuses on the extent to which the Resilience Systems Analysis added value in improving analysis, strategy and programming and in supporting the achievement of Sweden’s post-2015 commitments. It also assesses the extent to which the framework complements other tools and approaches within Sida and the extent to which the methodology itself is ‘fit for purpose’.

          Learning & recommendations report

            This Reference Document and its Summary were produced as parts of the European Commission’s “Guidance Package on Social protection across the humanitarian-development Nexus (SPaN)”. It is a common product of an initiative jointly led by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for International Partnerships (INTPA), Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO) and Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations (NEAR).

            Tools and Methods Series, Reference Document No 26
            Version February, 2019

              The European Union has a long history of support to mine action, even before the Ottawa Convention was adopted in 1997. In fact, the EU was among the first to condemn the indiscriminate character of anti-personnel landmines and to recognise the unbearable suffering they impose on civil populations. About one third of EU support for mine action is provided through the Commission's Instrument contributing to Stability and Peace (IcSP). This brochure covers support funded by the EU- Institutions. Through diplomatic and financial support initiatives, the European Union will continue to be one of the leading actors in making the world free of mines.

              Joint Staff Working Document, 2018