Digital technologies and data are profoundly changing the economy and society and have the potential to thoroughly enable the achievement of the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Cyberspace is an essential component of modern society. Governmental services, the financial sector, and critical infrastructure including schools and hospitals are increasingly and irreversibly dependent on interconnectivity and the global network. It is essential to ensure trustworthy digital services and tools, reliable access to the internet as well as secure critical infrastructures. In this sense, cybersecurity is key component of our increasingly digitalised world. More broadly, enhanced cyber resilience enables populations to trust, use and benefit from innovation, connectivity and automation, and is essential in safeguarding fundamental rights and freedoms.

A man touching a digital screen with icons. Cybersecurity concept network of connected devices and personal data security

    In this podcast, Mr Richard Harris tells us about the work of the GFCE, the role of private entities in the creation and implementation of national cybersecurity strategies and the importance of mainstreaming cybersecurity in international development policies.

    Duration: 36 min

      The overarching theme of the 2019 edition of the European Development Days was “Addressing inequalities: building a world which leaves no one behind”. In this context, the use of technology, artificial intelligence and digital tools in the field of international cooperation and development was discussed with political figures, global influencers and humanitarian experts.

      Duration: 10 min

        This webinar is part of a series of two about artificial intelligence technologies, EU policies and concrete applications in EU partnerships worldwide. It covers the EU approach to Artificial Intelligence, case studies of AI solutions and information on how to design capacity building initiatives for AI.

        Duration: 2 h 30 min

          In this podcast, Mr Uri Rosenthal tells us about his work as Special Advisory to the GFCE Foundation Board, his work towards a free, open and secure cyberspace, as well as the interlinkages between strengthened cybersecurity, the promotion of a free and open internet, as well as digital economic and social development.

          Duration: 27 min

            The two instruments of Twinning and TAIEX were presented during this info session for EU Delegations. The speakers showcased how they can be beneficial in the application of digital initiatives, which can give a chance to materialise the Team Europe approach in terms of digitalisation.

            Duration: 1 h 50 min

            This webinar is destined to EU staff in HQ and delegations.

              In this webinar experts from DG INTPA (Unit G2 - Regional Operations Latin America and Caribbean) offer an introduction to the current state and perspectives of digitalization in LAC, focusing on the digital transformation in the region and the impacts of the current COVID pandemic, as well as the role of the EU and opportunities for the future.

              Duration: 1 h 30 min

              This webinar is destined to EU staff in HQ and delegations – Latin America and Caribbean.