Science, Technology and Innovation are powerful drivers of sustainable and inclusive development. They provide instruments to tackle many of the economic and social challenges such as climate change, poverty and security, to name a few. Space and Earth Observation(EO) data informs evidence-based public policies on climate change, biodiversity, health, agriculture, security, urban development as well as disaster preparedness and response. 

Innovation technology for smart farm system in laptop with smart technology concept. Asian man farmer working outfield farm.

    In this podcast, we are joined by Michel Massart from the Directorate-General Defence Industry and Space (DG DEFIS) of the European Commission, who works on the Copernicus Land Monitoring Service and explains how this service has uses ranging from biomass estimation in Senegal (important for livestock, which in turn affects food security), to crop monitoring within and outside Europe (e.g. Niger, Kenya), even to Botswana declaring a drought emergency on the basis of CLMS data, helping to initiate donor support.

    Duration: 41 min

      In this podcast, we are joined by Fabienne Jacq from the Directorate-General Defence Industry and Space (DG DEFIS) of the European Commission, who works on the Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service explains, among other things, the difference between the blue ocean, white ocean, and green ocean, and the many products of CMEMS. This includes an explanation of how coastal ecosystem protection and marine weather forecast in Europe are being duplicated for the Indian Ocean region, and in many African regions.

      Duration: 30 min

        This webinar aims to provide an overview of EU’s three flagship space programmes, Copernicus, Galileo and EGNOS, and to present the main practical applications and potential benefits of the European Space Programme for partner countries on the African continent.

        Duration: 1 h 30 min

        This webinar is destined to EC Staff in HQ and DEL.

          This webinar attempts to provide a clear explanation of the Euroepan Space Programme: Copernicus, Galileo and EGNOS, and to present the potential added value for Central and South Asia.

          Duration: 1 h 15 min

          This webinar is destined to EC Staff in HQ and DEL.

            This webinar attempts to provide a clear explanation of the Euroepan Space Programme: Copernicus, Galileo and EGNOS, and to present the potential added value for East-Asia and the Pacific.

            Duration: 1 h 15 min

            This webinar is destined to EC Staff in HQ and DEL.

              This webinar aims to present the Global Development Data Tool (GDDT)developed by INTPA. It is part of the sixth session of Country Knowledge talks, a JRC initiative dedicated to showcase country-related tools & processes, good practices, or challenges. 

              Duration: 40 min

              This webinar is destined to INTPA Staff in HQ and DEL. The session is in English.