Draws together information to raise awareness and knowledge on the important role of employment, vocational education and training, and social protection in development policy.

Technical vocational training in industry: young apprentices and trainers in the classroom.

    This is the fourth webinar of a series called Integrating employment goals into DG INTPA policies and programmes. The webinar will discuss main trends and drivers of change, especially digitalisation and its role, the skills that may be needed in the future, skill needs anticipation methods and approaches - both well-tried classical and new innovative ones, and the pillars of well-functioning forward-looking skills systems.

    Duration: 2 h

      This is the first webinar of a series called Integrating employment goals into DG INTPA policies and programmes. This webinar aims to present the current opportunities and threats to the future of work. The notion of “human-centred approach” to the future of work, meaning that all people benefit from the changing world of work, will be explained and its practical aspects highlighted. Policy choices that boost resilience and promote a more human-centred future of work will be discussed, as countries strive to get past the Covid-19 crisis and beyond by “building back better”.

      Duration: 2 h

        Inclusive vocational education and training (VET) refers to an education and training system which takes into account the learning and educational support needs of all marginalised and vulnerable young people; street children, girls and women, refugees, ethnic minority groups, youth from economically poor families, children from nomadic and pastoralist families, youth living with HIV/AIDS and children with disabilities.

        Duration: 16 min

          The Toolkit on Social Dialogue in EU development cooperation aims at raising the awareness and increasing the knowledge of the EU staff on the social dialogue and its contribution to the development policies inclusiveness, effectiveness and ownership as well to increasing the knowledge of the EU staff on measures contributing to social dialogue effective use and strengthening.

          Duration: 3 hours

            The aim of this report is to guide EU decision makers at country level on the relevance of supporting social dialogue as a process that brings sustainability to economic, social and -often- political processes, that enhances ownership and governance of the development process and that contributes to the achievement of the SDGs, in line with the EU development cooperation objectives.

              The overall objective of these trainings is thus to improve knowledge among EU staff on VET in developing countries, allowing them to better design and support programmes in these areas and deepen policy-dialogue with partner countries.

              Duration: 4 hours

                This reference document was commissioned by the Directorate-General for International Partnerships (INTPA) Migration, Employment, Inequalities Unit.

                Tools and Methods Series, Reference Document No 24

                Version March, 2017