EU Funding & Tenders Portal

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Participating as 'not receiving EU funding' vs. participating as 'requesting zero funding'

Only beneficiaries or third parties established in an OCEF country (OCEF = Other Countries which get Exceptional Funding) or "International Organisations (IOs) of non-EU interest (for H2020)" can participate as 'not receiving EU funding'.  Beneficiaries/linked third parties 'not receiving EU funding' participate in the action but do NOT receive any EU funding. For such beneficiaries the tasks should be described in Annex 1 and the estimated costs should be mentioned in the separate column in Annex 2. These costs will however not be reimbursed or taken into account for the calculation of the grant.

Exceptionally, these participants could receive EU funding; in this case, the project officer should agree.

(warning) Participants NOT established in an OCEF country or which are NOT International Organisations (IOs) of non-EU interest (for H2020) (e.g. belong to a Member State or Associated country) canNOT participate as 'not receiving EU funding'. There is NO exceptional handling of this rule. They can participate as 'requesting zero funding' if the option has been flagged by the partner or the Project Officer at the Grant preparation stage - for more information, please click here.


This amendment type allows changing beneficiaries/linked third parties' participation as 'receiving funding' or 'not receiving EU funding' in situations that require such change: e.g. the participant is no longer an International Organisation of non-EU interest, the participant is no longer eligible for funding, etc..

In all these cases, only the project officer should agree and only s/he can operate the change in the system. 

How to change a beneficiary/linked third party's participation

For beneficiaries/linked third parties 'not receiving EU funding' the system automatically preselects the "Participates as 'not receiving EU funding' (not eligible for funding)" check box in the Beneficiary Financial Information tab.

Also, for beneficiaries/linked third parties eligible for funding but requesting zero funding at the Grant Preparation stage, the participants or the Project Officer needs to flag the "Participates as 'not receiving EU funding' (requesting zero funding)" check box in the Beneficiary Financial Information tab.

To change the beneficiary/linked third party's participation, go to the Financial Information tab and click the row of the beneficiary to access the Beneficiary Financial Information tab.

(warning) Note: the indications below are for amendments changing the participation of existing beneficiaries/linked third parties; to change the participation of newly added beneficiaries/linked third parties, please refer to the indications for the Grant Preparation process. 

Beneficiary's participation before the amendment 
Change of participation - actions to be completed  

The beneficiary is eligible for funding

Note: in this case, any, the PO or the beneficiary, whoever has the session, can operate the changes in the system. 


The beneficiary requests zero funding (decides not to receive funding)

(warning) This change is only allowed as from the start of beneficiary/linked third party's participation (therefore, the effective date is automatically set by the system).

Set the maximum grant amount to 0 in the cost break down - only after this change, the button Mark as 'request zero funding' will be displayed.  

Click the button the button Mark as 'request zero funding'.

Click Confirm to confirm the changes.

To undo the action, click the Undo button and Confirm the change. 


The beneficiary requests funding after being marked as requesting zero funding at the Grant Preparation stage

Click the button the button Request funding.

Complete the justification. 

Set the date for the entry into force of the change and Confirm the changes. 

To undo the action, click the Undo button and Confirm the change. 

The beneficiary is not eligible for funding

Note: only the PO can mark the beneficiary as not eligible for funding or authorise/revoke exceptional funding. 
If the cost breakdown needs to be changed, both the PO and the beneficiary, whoever has the session, can operate the change. 


The PO authorises the granting of exceptional funding 

Click the button the button Authorise exceptional EU funding.

Complete the justification. 

Set the date for the entry into force of the change and Confirm the changes. 

Edit the data of the cost break down. 

To undo the action, click the Undo button and Confirm the change. 


The PO revokes the authorisation for exceptional funding and thus marks the beneficiary as not eligible for funding 

Click the button the button Revoke authorisation to exceptional EU funding.

Set the date for the entry into force of the change and Confirm the changes. 

To undo the action, click the Undo button and Confirm the change. 


The PO marks the beneficiary as not eligible for funding and, in special cases, authorises exceptional funding 

Click the button Mark as 'not eligible for funding'

Set the date for the entry into force of the change and Confirm the changes. 

To undo the action, click the Undo button and Confirm the change. 

To authorise the granting of exceptional funding, click the Authorise exceptional EU funding button. 

Complete the justification and click Confirm.  

To undo the action, click the Undo button and Confirm the change. 

New since first supported version

  • 22.09.2016 (Sygma 6.1):  the field "No Contribution Requested?" is called "Participates as 'not receiving EU funding' and it is a check box. It has been also clarified who is entitled to participate as 'not receiving EU funding' 

  • 05.10.2016 (Sygma 6.1.5): the Project Officer can deselect the "Participates as 'not receiving EU funding' check box for beneficiaries or third linked parties established in an OCEF country (OCEF = Other Countries which get Exceptional Funding). 
  • 13.10.2016 (Sygma 6.1.7): "International Organisations (IOs) of non-EU interest (for H2020)" can participate as  'not receiving EU funding'.
  • 05.12.2016 (Sygma 7.0): a specific start date (or end date) where the beneficiary has become ineligible (or eligible) for funding can be specified. 
  • 19.01.2017 (Sygma 7.0.7): the period during which the beneficiary/linked third party is made ineligible (or eligible) for funding is displayed more clearly.
  • 29.03.2018 (Sygma 9.0): a distinction it is made between beneficiaries/linked third parties' participation as 'not receiving EU funding' and as 'requesting zero funding'.