EU Funding & Tenders Portal

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07.10.2024 SyGMa context config 16/09-04/10


  • The Amendments have been enabled for:
    • Programme: Horizon Europe (HORIZON), Type of Action: Innovation Actions (HORIZON-IA), Type of MGA: Specific Grant - Action Grant (HORIZON-SGA-AG)
      • For the programme listed above, the following amendment clauses are now supported:
        • AT1 - Addition of a new beneficiary

        • AT2 - Addition of an affiliated entity

        • AT3 - Addition of an associated partner

        • AT4 - Beneficiary Termination

        • AT5 - Beneficiary non accession

        • AT6 - Affiliated entity termination

        • AT7 - Associate partner termination

        • AT11 - Change of coordinator

        • AT15 - Change of the short name

        • AT21 - Change of Annex 1

        • AT22 - Change of the project title

        • AT23 - Change of the project acronym

        • AT24 - Change of the project starting date

        • AT25 - Change of the project duration

        • AT37 - Project termination

        • AT60 - Change GA Option by mistake

        • AT65 - General Amendment clause

Project Monitoring

  • The Project Monitoring (PMON) has been activated for:
    • Programme: EU4Health Programme (EU4H)Type of ActionProject Grants (EU4H-PJG)Type of MGA: Action Grant (EU4H-AG)

    • Programme: EU4Health Programme (EU4H)Type of ActionOperating Grants (EU4H-OG)Type of MGA: Operating Grant (EU4H-OG)

    • Programme: EU4Health Programme (EU4H)Type of Action: Framework Partnerships Operating Grants (EU4H-FPA-OG), Type of MGA: Specific Operating Grant (EU4H-SGA-OG).

16.09.2024 SyGMa context config 26/08-13/09

Grant Agreement Preparation

  • The MGA v1.2 has been activated for:
    • Programme: Horizon Europe (HORIZON), Type of Action: ERC (HORIZON-ERC), Type of MGA: Action Grant - Lump Sum (HORIZON-AG-LS)

This MGA version enables the Annex 5 in the grant.

Reporting and Payment

Periodic reporting

  • The Periodic Reporting & the automatic generation of Payment letters have been enabled for:

    • Programme: Horizon Europe (HORIZON), Type of Action: Innovation Actions (HORIZON-IA), Type of MGA: Action Grant - Lump Sum (HORIZON-AG-LS)

Continuous reporting

  • The Continuous Reporting is now enabled for:
    • Programme: Technical assistance at the initiative of the Commission for: European Regional Development Fund (ERDFTA), Type of Action: Project Grants (ERDFTA-PJG), Type of MGA: Action Grant (ERDFTA-AG).

26.08.2024 SyGMa context config 05/08-23/08

Grant Agreement Preparation

  • The Grant Agreement Preparation process is now supported for:
    • Programme: Digital Europe (DIGITAL), Type of Action: SME Support Actions (DIGITAL-SME), Type of MGA: Specific Grant - Action Grant (DIGITAL-SGA-AG).

05.08.2024 SyGMa context config 15/07-02/08


  • The Amendments have been enabled for:
    • Programme: Technical assistance at the initiative of the Commission for: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF-TA), Type of Action: Project Grants (ERDFTA-PJG), Type of MGA: Action Grant (ERDFTA-AG).

15.07.2024 SyGMa context config 24/06-12/07

Reporting and Payment

Periodic reporting

  • The Periodic Reporting & the automatic generation of Payment letters have been enabled for:

    • Programme: Horizon Europe (HORIZON), Type of Action: ERC Synergy Grants (HORIZON-ERC-SYG), Type of MGA: Action Grant (HORIZON-AG)
    • Programme: Digital Europe (DIGITAL), Type of Action: Simple Grants (DIGITAL-SIMPLE), Types of MGA: Specific Grant (DIGITAL-SIMPLE-SGA-AG)

More information about how to complete the Periodic Reporting, here.

10.07.2024 PPXMS 21.0.0


24.06.2024 SyGMa context config 03/06-21/06

Grant Agreement Preparation

  • The Grant Agreement Preparation process is now supported for:
    • Programme: Technical assistance at the initiative of the Commission for: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), Cohesion Fund (CF) and Just Transition Fund (JTF), Type of Action: Project Grants (ERDFTA-PJG), Type of MGA: Action Grant Budget-Based (ERDFTA-AG)
  • The MGA v1.2 has been activated for Horizon Europe (HORIZON-AG/SGA-AG) and EURATOM programmes, for the following types of action:
    • HORIZON-Cofund
    • EURATOM-Cofund

This MGA version enables the usage of the Personnel unit cost (PUC) in the grant. For more information, click here.

  • The MGA v1.2 has been activated for:
    • Programme: Horizon Europe (HORIZON),Type of Action: Innovation Actions (HORIZON-IA), Type of MGA: Action Grant - Lump Sum  (HORIZON-AG-LS)

    • Programme: Horizon Europe (HORIZON),Type of Action: Research and Innovation Actions (HORIZON-RIA), Type of MGA: Action Grant - Lump Sum  (HORIZON-AG-LS)

    • Programme: Horizon Europe (HORIZON),Type of Action: Coordination and Support Actions (HORIZON-CSA), Type of MGA: Action Grant - Lump Sum  (HORIZON-AG-LS)

    • Programme: Horizon Europe (HORIZON),Type of Action: Joint Undertaking - Innovation Actions (HORIZON-JU-IA), Type of MGA: Action Grant - Lump Sum  (HORIZON-AG-LS)

    • Programme: Horizon Europe (HORIZON),Type of Action: Joint Undertaking - Research and Innovation Actions (HORIZON-JU-RIA), Type of MGA: Action Grant - Lump Sum  (HORIZON-AG-LS)

    • Programme: Horizon Europe (HORIZON),Type of Action: Joint Undertaking - Coordination and Support Actions (HORIZON-JU-CSA), Type of MGA: Action Grant - Lump Sum  (HORIZON-AG-LS)

    • Programme: Horizon Europe (HORIZON),Type of ActionTMA-MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships - European Fellowships & MSCA Post Doctoral-Global Fellowships (HORIZON-TMA-MSCA-PF-EF/GF), Type of MGA: Action Grant - Unit Contribution (HORIZON-AG-UN)
    • Programme: Horizon Europe (HORIZON),Type of ActionDoctoral Networks (HORIZON-TMA-MSCA-DN)Doctoral Networks-Industrial Doctorates (HORIZON-TMA-MSCA-DN-ID) and Doctoral Networks-Joint Doctorates (HORIZON-TMA-MSCA-DN-JD), Type of MGA: Action Grant - Unit Contribution (HORIZON-AG-UN)
    • Programme: Horizon Europe (HORIZON), Type of Action: TMA MSCA Staff Exchanges (HORIZON-TMA-MSCA-SE), Type of MGA: Action Grants - Unit Grants (HORIZON-AG-UN)
    • Programme: Horizon Europe (HORIZON), Type of Action: Horizon TMA MSCA Cofund Doctoral programme (HORIZON-TMA-MSCA-Cofund-D)Type of MGA: Action grants-Unit grants (HORIZON-AG-UN)
    • Programme: Horizon Europe (HORIZON), Type of Action: Horizon TMA MSCA Cofund Post Doctoral programme (HORIZON-TMA-MSCA-Cofund-P), Type of MGA: Action Grants - Unit grants (HORIZON-AG-UN)
    • Programme: Horizon Europe (HORIZON), Type of Action: HORIZON-ERC-POC, Type of MGA: Action grants-Lump sum (HORIZON-AG-LS)

This MGA version enables the new Annex 5 in the grant.

Reporting and Payment

Periodic reporting

  • The Periodic Reporting & the automatic generation of Payment letters has been enabled for:
    • Programme: Digital Europe (DIGITAL), Type of ActionGrants for Financial Support (DIGITAL-GFS), Type of MGA: Action Grant (DIGITAL-AG)

More information about how to complete the Periodic Reporting, here.

  • For Interregional Innovation Investments Instrument (I3) programme: the projects support now multiple funding rates with a specific funding rate - Financial support to third parties (FSTP) costs funding rate, applied for the FSTP budget category (d1a).

More information about the Financial support to third parties, here

19.06.2024 SyGMa 23.4


  • For the Change of the prefinancing (AT55) & the Change of the MIM contribution (AT56), several changes have been applied in the Financial Information screen
    • Once an interim payment has been processed, the system disables the possibility to add any pre-financing entries
    • If the first pre-financing is paid, but the associated periodic reporting (REPA) has not been launched, then the first pre-financing will be locked, however allowing the possibility to be unlocked
    • After a periodic reporting (REPA) is launched for the first pre-financing, this pre-financing is permanently locked, together with the following one (if applicable)
    • The pre-financings, other than the first one, remain unchanged. More information about how to complete the Periodic Reporting, here.

  • Changing the project start date (AT24) is not allowed while a periodic reporting is ongoing. Please make sure that all amendments to the project start date are signed before any periodic reporting starts. More information about how to complete the Periodic Reporting, here.

Reporting and payment

Continuous reporting 

  • For all Horizon Europe (HORIZON) projects: it is now possible to create a profile on the Horizon Results Platform (HRP) to promote Key Exploitable Results (KERs) and receive Dissemination and Exploitation support through the Horizon Results Booster.
  • When a Partner downloads a Deliverable attachment from the Continuous Reporting screen in SyGMa, the downloaded document will now display the Deliverable document name instead of the standard name "Attachement_0.pdf".

Periodic reporting

  • The periodic reporting and the payment letters have been enabled for:
    • Programme: Horizon Europe (HORIZON), Type of Action: TMA MSCA Staff Exchange (HORIZON-TMA-MSCA-SE), Type of MGA: Action Grants - Unit Grants (HORIZON-AG-UN)

Project monitoring

  • During the Project Review/Check, it is now possible, through the Deliverable Assessments tab, to download a specific deliverable , by clicking on the download icon. The download icon is available only for those deliverables with the following statuses: Submitted, Approved, Rejected. For more information, click here.

03.06.2024 SyGMa context config 13/05-31/05

Reporting and Payment

Periodic reporting

  • The periodic reporting and the automatic generation of Payment letters are now enabled for: 
    • Programme: Horizon Europe (HORIZON),Type of Action: Research and Innovation Actions (HORIZON-RIA), Type of MGA: Action Grant - Lump Sum  (HORIZON-AG-LS)

    • Programme: Horizon Europe (HORIZON), Type of Action: Joint Undertaking - Research and Innovation Actions (HORIZON-JU-RIA), Type of MGA: Action Grant - Lump Sum  (HORIZON-AG-LS)
  • The periodic reporting, the automatic generation of Payment letters and the Deviation report are now enabled for: 
    • Programme: European Defence Fund (EDF), Type of Action: Research Actions (EDF-RA), Type of MGA: Action Grant (EDF-AG)
  • The periodic reporting for the Request of Additional Prefinancing has been enabled for:
    • Programme: Erasmus+ (ERASMUS), Type of Action: Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters - Unit Grants (ERASMUS-EMJM-UN), Type of MGA: Action Grant - Unit Grants (ERASMUS-AG-UN)
  • The automatic generation of Payment letters has been enabled for:
    • Programme: Digital Europe (DIGITAL), Type of Action: Joint Undertaking - Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (DIGITAL-JU-SME), Type of MGA: Action Grant - Lump Sum (DIGITAL-AG-LS).

More information about the Periodic Reporting,  here.

24.05.2024 PPXMS 20.2.1

Formal Notifications

  • In the formal notifications that can be sent via the Grant Management Services (GMS), the values in the dropdown menu for 'Category' have been renamed as follows: 
    • Standard Formal Notification (default)
    • Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)

For more information on formal notifications, please click here.

13.05.2024 SyGMa 23.3.4

Proposal Management and Grant Preparation

  • The MGA v1.2 has been activated for Horizon Europe - Action Grants (HORIZON-AG) for the following types of action:
    This MGA version enables the usage of the Personnel unit cost (PUC) in the grant. For more information, click here

06.05.2024 PPXMS 18.0

In-kind Contributions to Additional Activities (IKAA) 

  • The reporting forms used for IKAA-JU processes will contain, in read-only format, all additional activities added at the planning stage. The users will have to report solely on the planned activities (at this stage, it is not possible to add more activities or delete the existing ones). Only the sections related to reporting (such as Success Story or Reporting amounts) will be editable. Two new fields have been added: Explanations on the carried-out activities in the reporting year (for the user to justify the activities carried out for a number of years) and Deviations from initial planning (to report on the eventual deviations and include a justification for them).


25.04.2024 My Audits 20.0

Portal messages (PNS)

The subject of any PNS containing the Organisation name or the Project name will be limited to 60 characters followed by "..." to indicate that the full name is not shown (when the Organisation/Project name is longer than 60 characters).

23.04.2024 SyGMa context config 01/04-19/04

Reporting and Payment

Continuous reporting

  • The Continuous Reporting is now enabled for:
    • Programme: Innovation Fund (INNOVFUND),Type of Action: Fixed Premium Auction - Unit Grants (INNOVFUND-FPAUC-UN),Type of MGA: Action Grant Unit Grant (INNOVFUND-AG-UN).

Audit Result Implementation

  • The Audit result implementation is now available for the following types of actions under the H2020 programme:
    • EuroHPC-CSA
    • EuroHPC-IA
    • EuroHPC-RIA.

02.04.2024 SyGMa context config 11/03-29/03

Grant Agreement Preparation

Reporting and Payment

Periodic reporting

  • For the MFF2127, when the communication activities and/or the dissemination activities questionnaire(s) is/are configured, it is not anymore mandatory to have a communication and/or dissemination activity in the REPA (The severity has been changed now from ERROR to WARNING). More information about how to complete the Periodic Reporting, here.