EU Funding & Tenders Portal

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Amendments types

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  • FAQs on the Funding & Tenders Portal



titleMFF 2014-2020

For the old MFF (2014-2020) please see How to prepare an amendment — MFF 2014-2020.


The amendment information tab

The amendment information tab consists of two sections: 

The amendment information

  • Number: The amendment number, automatically assigned as soon as the amendment is signed by both parties
  • Reference: This amendment request reference number is created automatically when launching the amendment request
  • Type:
    • Amendment: an amendment is Commission Initiated (CI) or Consortium Requested (CR)
    • Notification-based (NB): changes of the Grant Agreement that follow a formal notification
    • Information Procedure (IP):changes of the Grant Agreement that do not depend on the agreement of the parties and are applied using an information procedure
  • Justification: The reason why an amendment is requested
  • Additional Information: Text to further explain the background of the amendment. This field is optional.
  • EU signature date: The date the EU signed the amendment
  • Beneficiary signature date: the date the consortium signed the amendment
  • Date of entry into force: The date the amendment goes into force
The types (formerly called clauses)

First the "Automatic" types are listed - (the system automatically selects the appropriate types according to the updates which have been done in the different Sygma tabs)

Then the "Selected by EU" types are listed -  (the Project Officer manually selects the appropriate type)

To select/unselect a manual Grant Agreement option or a manual amendment type (e.g. change of Annex 1 and change of Annex 2), you have to ask the EU Officer. Please note that the EU officer can make these changes while your session is open. 

Please note that if you would like to change the Annex 1 - Description of Action (part B), you must ask the EU officer first to select the manual type Change of Annex 1 and only then the document Annex 1 - Description of Action (part B) and the Upload button will appear in the list of documents.

(info) Optionally, you may also compare the Annex 1 (part B) document with its previous version. 

Show If
group it-administrators; it-view-rights

Not visible to users -  Print screen above to be updated for SyGMa 19.0 story SYGMA-36551  - but communicated with SyGMa Context Config  SYGMA-44835)
'Customize header letters' button will be visible to External users but read only

Then the   "Selected by beneficiary" types are listed - (the beneficiary manually selects the appropriate type)

Then the   "Selected by EU or beneficiary" types are listed -  (the Project Officer or beneficiary, whoever has the session open, manually selects the appropriate type)

Then the "On demand" types are listed - types that can be activated with the Service Desk intervention following a procedure described below.

How to request amendment types activated on demand by the Service Desk:

For Consortium-initiated amendments:

1. The Consortium contacts the Project Officer.

2. The Project Officer examines whether the request is justified.

For EU- and Consortium-initiated:

3. The Project Officer prepares a case file and submits it internally to the Legal Services for examination on whether the request is justified.

If justified:

4. The Service Desk asks the Project Officer to ask the Consortium to open the Amendment session (or the Project Officer to open an EU session) — unless already open.

5. The Service Desk selects and data loads the clause in the system.

View/preview or edit the amendment information

View the amendment text which will be printed in the Grant Agreement 

To access information regarding the change to the Grant Agreement due to the amendment, you should click on the download icon next to the relevant amendment type: 

Once the document icon is clicked, a pop-up window containing the text which will be printed in the Grant Agreement will be displayed.

(warning) Note that if beneficiaries are affected by the amendment, they will be listed in the Grant Agreement now.

Add variable data to the amendment 

Click the pencil icon  to view/edit variable data to the amendment.

Click the download icon  to preview the amendment.

In the case of some amendment types, a pop-up window containing editable fields to be completed with (non-)mandatory data, opens. The data will be included in the content of the amendment.  

Mark as Error Amendment

If a change in the grant represented by an amendment type is due to an error, it is possible to flag this amendment type as 'error amendment';

(warning) Note that only the EU Officer can flag an amendment type as "error amendment".

(warning) Not all amendment types can be flagged as "error amendment" - see Amendment Type column in the below table to see which amendment types can be flagged.

How to apply the changes for the amendment

AT57a pre-financing guaranteeBeneficiaries / Partner - information pre-financing guarantee.

The EU officer will change the amount of the pre-financing guarantee (tick the box and introduce the value of the required amount (by default, the box is not flagged).

Image Removed Pre-financing guarantee Image RemovedWhen the pre-financing guarantee is changed pre-financing guarantee" type will automatically be Image Removed 4.3.4)AT58 nonprofit rule
nonprofit ruleIn the GA Options screen, the select the tick box for GA065  Non profit rule (Data Sheet 4.2)  and click save

Image Removed

Image Removed

In the Amendment Information screen, the amendment type "Change of the non-profit rule" will be automatically set.

Image Removed

(warning) The EU officer will have the option to set the effective date but it is not mandatory. If the effective date is not set, the amendment will take effect on the entry into force date.

To set the effective date, select the pencil icon Image Removed

Image Removed

Enter the effective date and click OK.

Image Removed GA Options GA065 and selected list of CFS exempted participants (CFS waive)Beneficiaries - Financial CFS flag.

The CFS flag can be changed for a Beneficiary or an Affiliated Entity by the EU Officer. 

Image Removed

When the CFS waive flag is changed, the "Change of the list of CFS exempted participants (CFS Wave)" type will automatically be set.

Image Removed

Change of blended finance investment component
  • GA Options
  • Amendment In the GA Options screen, click the pencil iconImage Removed for GA090 to edit the blended finance investment component 

    Image Removed

    Change the investment component amount and click OK

    Image Removed

    Click save

    Image Removed

    In the Amendment Information screen, the amendment type "AT72a Change of blended finance investment component" will be automatically set.

    Image Removed

    (warning) You have the option to set the effective date but it is not mandatory. If the effective date is not set, the amendment will take effect on the entry into force date.

    To set the effective date, select the pencil icon Image Removed

    Image Removed

    Enter the effective date and click OK.

    Image Removed

    Amendment type nr.

    Amendment type
    • Automatically selected by the system after the updates have been done, or
    • to be manually selected by the Project Officer or the Beneficiary

    Relevant Sygma tab*

    * the changes are applied immediately, but you will still have to set the amendment type (automatically/manually) afterwards to deal with the consequences of the change 

    How to apply the changes



    (warning)  Types in purple, are not implemented yet

     Amendment types that can be activated only by the Commission/Agency

      The Commission/Agency must be contacted before requesting these amendment types

    ** Amendment types also available after the end date of the project (but NOT after the final payment) or after the termination date


    Addition of a new beneficiary

    (warning)  If a beneficiary is terminated due to non-accession or other reason and it re-enters in the project via an amendment, then it should  (re-)sign the Accession Form and the Declaration of Honour .


    Click on Add new beneficiary to add a new beneficiary

    Search for the PIC you would like to add

    Select the line of the PIC

    Add the short name and select the type of start date

    (warning)  If the beneficiary has been terminated due to non-accession or other reason and it re-enters in the project via an amendment, then the following message is displayed:

    The new beneficiary is now flagged as new. Click on the replace, delete or edit icon to update the new beneficiary.

    (warning) To change the participation (e.g. requesting zero funding) of the newly-added beneficiary/affiliated entity, follow the instructions for editing the beneficiary's Financial Information during grant preparation that you can find here

    Adding a new beneficiary will automatically set the "Addition of a new Beneficiary" and "Changes to Annex 1" amendment types:

    (warning) When adding a new Beneficiary that is an International Organisation, you have the option to change the applicable law regime and the dispute settlement forum.
    See AT16 and AT17 for more information.

    Data sheet - Section 2 - List of Participants (Article 7)


    Addition of an Affiliated Entity

    AutomaticBeneficiaries - Affiliated Entities

    Click on Add new Affiliated Entity to add a new Affiliated Entity 

    Search for the PIC you would like to add  

    Select the line of the PIC  

    Add the short name and select the type of start date

    The new Affiliated Entity is now flagged as new

    Click on the replace, delete or edit icon to update the new Affiliated Entity

    Adding a new Affiliated Entity will automatically set the "Addition of an affiliated entity" amendment type:

    Data sheet - Section 2 - List of Participants (Article 8)

    If Affiliated Entities is applicable


    Addition of an Associated PartnerAutomaticAssociated Partners

    Click on Add New Associated Partner to add a new Associated Partner 

    Search for the PIC you would like to add 

    Select the line of the PIC  

    Add the short name and select the type of start date

    The new Associated Partner is now flagged as new

    Click on the replace, delete or edit icon to update the new Associated Partner

    Adding a new Associated Partner will automatically set the "Addition of an associated partner" amendment type:

    To link an Associated Partner to a Beneficiary, select the relevant Associated Partner and then select the Beneficiary from the Associated with drop down. 

    After this, you can click the Undo button to revert back to the previous entry.

    (warning)  If the Associated Partner is linked to a Beneficiary that is no longer active (i.e. terminated or not acceded), you must manually update the Associated Partner's "Associated with" data. Either by associating with another beneficiary or removing the association.

    Data sheet - Section 2 - List of Participants (Article 9.1)

    If Associated Partners is applicable


    Beneficiary Termination

    AutomaticBeneficiariesPlease click  here  for more information.

    Data sheet - Section 2 - List of Participants (The entry will be in strikeout format)


    Beneficiary termination (non-accession to the GA)


    Click on the cross icon to remove the beneficiary that has not signed the accession form (not acceded).

    Confirm the removal of the beneficiary and its Affiliated Entities.

    The beneficiary is now flagged as not acceded.

    (warning)  If the Beneficiary has Affiliated Entities linked to it, they will also be terminated and flagged as not acceded. 

    (warning)  If the Beneficiary has Associated Partners linked to it, they will also be terminated and flagged as not acceded.

    Click on the undo button to undo the removal.

    (warning)  This will undo the removal of the Beneficiary and all linked Affiliated Entities and Associated Partners.

    Data sheet - 
    Section 2 - List of Participants (Article 32.3.1(a))


    Removal of an Affiliated Entity


    Beneficiaries - Affiliated Entities

    Please click  here  for more information.

    Data sheet - Section 2 - List of Participants (The entry will be in strikeout format)

    If Affiliated Entities is applicable


    Removal of an Associated PartnerAutomaticAssociated Partners

    Please click   here  for more information.

    Data sheet  - Section 2 - List of Participants (The entry will be in strikeout format)

    If Associated Partners is applicable 


    Change of coordinator

    (warning) This amendment type is also available after the end date of the project (but NOT after the final payment) or after the termination date


    Click Change coordinator to change the coordinator 

    Nominate the new coordinator, select the date they will be effective from and indicate whether you want to terminate the old coordinator

    Enter details of the new primary coordinator contact and click save.

    Changing the coordinator will automatically set the "Change of coordinator" and "Change of annex 1" amendment types:

    Data sheet - Section 2 - Coordinator


    Change of the bank account for payments

    (warning) This amendment type is also available after the end date of the project (but NOT after the final payment) or after the termination date

    (warning)  This amendment type can be flagged as Error Amendment by the EU Officer

    AutomaticCoordinator bank account - except JRC (bank account has to be validated in ABAC, otherwise SyGMa won't show it)

    Click Select bank account to change bank account

    Enter the last four IBAN digits of the account

    Click on the bank account number appearing and click select

    The new bank account is now displayed. Click Save.

    You can revert back to the original bank account details by clicking the Undo  button.

    Changing the bank account will automatically set the "Change of the bank account for payments" amendment type:

    Data sheet - Section 4.2 Periodic reporting and payments 


    Change of the participant short name

    (warning)  This amendment type can be flagged as Error Amendment by the EU Officer


    Partner Summary

    Modify the short name of the Beneficiary, Affiliated Entity and/or Associated Partner and save your changes

    You can revert back to the previous short name by clicking the Undo  button.

    Changing the short name for a Beneficiary, Affiliated Entity or Associated Partner, will automatically set the "change of the participant short name" type:

    Data sheet - Section 2 - List of Participants 


    Change of applicable law regime 

    (warning)  This amendment type is not applicable for FPAs.

    (warning)  This amendment type can be flagged as Error Amendment by the EU Officer

    AutomaticBeneficiaries - Partner Summary

    When adding a new Beneficiary that is an International Organisation, you have the option to change the applicable law regime.

    In the Partner summary screen, click the change button

    Change the applicable law and click OK

    Click save

    In the Amendment Information screen, the amendment type "Change of applicable law regime" will be automatically set.

    Data sheet - 5. Consequences of non-compliance, applicable law & dispute settlement forumIf GA options GAO77a & GAO77b are applicable


    Change of dispute settlement forum

    (warning)  This amendment type is not applicable for FPAs.

    (warning)  This amendment type can be flagged as Error Amendment by the EU Officer

    AutomaticBeneficiaries - Partner Summary

    When adding a new Beneficiary that is an International Organisation, you have the option to change the dispute settlement forum.

    In the Partner summary screen, click the change button

    Change the dispute settlement and click OK

    Click save

    In the Amendment Information screen, the amendment type "Change of dispute settlement forum" will be automatically set.

    Datasheet - 5. Consequences of non-compliance, applicable law & dispute settlement forumIf GA options GAO78 is applicable


    Change of Annex 1 (description of the action)

    (warning)  This amendment type is also available after the end date of the project (but NOT after the final payment) or after the termination date

    (warning)  This amendment type can be flagged as Error Amendment by the EU Officer

    • Automatically set as a change resulting from an other type (see column impact on other amendment types)
    • Manually set by the PO in all other cases

    Amendment information

    The following amendment types will automatically trigger the setting of the "Change of annex 1" amendment type:

    • AT1: Addition of new beneficiary
    • AT2: Addition of an affiliated entity
    • AT3: Addition of an associated partner
    • AT4: Beneficiary termination
    • AT5: Beneficiary termination (non-accession to the GA)
    • AT6: Removal of an affiliated entity
    • AT7: Removal of an associated partner
    • AT11: Change of the coordinator
    • AT15: Change of participant short name
    • AT50: Change concerning listed equipment
    • If a new Annex 1 part B (case 1.a) is added

    The following changes of project data will automatically trigger the setting of the "Change of annex 1" type:

    • Any change to Work Packages
    • Any change to Deliverable
    • Any change to Milestones
    • Any change to Critical Risks
    • Any change to Project Reviews
    • Any change to recruitments
    • Any change to secondments
    • Any change to Infrastructures
    • Any change to project abstract
    • Any change to Principal Investigator data

    If necessary, edit the date for when the changes will start to apply:

    • Click on the pencil icon 

    • Edit the date

    Annex 1


    Change of the project name

    (warning)  This amendment type can be flagged as Error Amendment by the EU Officer


    General Information

    Change the project title and click save.

    Changing the project title will automatically set the "Change of the project title" amendment type:

    Data sheet - 1. General data


    Change of project acronym 

    (warning)  This amendment type can be flagged as Error Amendment by the EU Officer

    AutomaticGeneral Information

    Change the project acronym and click save.

    Changing the project acronym will automatically set the " Change of the project acronym " amendment type: 

    Data sheet - 1. General data


    Change of the project starting date

    (warning)  This amendment type can be flagged as Error Amendment by the EU Officer


    General information

    Edit the project starting date and click Save

    After this, you can still edit the date by clicking the Undo button. 

    When finished, click Save.

    Changing the project starting date will automatically set the "Change of the project starting date" amendment type:

    Data sheet - 1. General data


    Change of the project duration

    (warning)  This amendment type can be flagged as Error Amendment by the EU Officer


    General information

    Edit the project duration and Save .  

    After this, you can still edit the date by clicking the Undo button.

    When finished, click Save.

    Changing the project duration will automatically set the below amendment types:

    "Change of project duration"
    "Change of reporting periods"
    "Changes to Annex 1"

    Data sheet - 1. General data


    Change of reporting periods

    (warning) Closed reporting periods can NOT be changed

    (warning)  This amendment type can be flagged as Error Amendment by the EU Officer

    AutomaticReporting periods

    Change the reporting period and click save.

    You can revert back to the previous reporting period details by clicking the Undo  button.

    To add a new reporting period click Add New Period. 

    Changing the reporting periods or the project duration, will automatically set the "Change of reporting periods" type:

    Data sheet - 4.2 Periodic reporting and payments 


    GA/FPA suspension

    (warning)The new SGA projects cannot be signed if the related FPA is suspended. However, the existing SGA's that do have a linked FPA suspended will be unaffected.

    Manually set by the BeneficiaryAmendment information
    (the type is set directly in the amendment information tab, no change in another SyGMa tab is required)

    Select the tick box for type GA/FPA suspension

    Select the pencil icon to enter the suspension date

    Enter the suspension date, and suspension justification and click OK

    You have the option to enter the expected suspension end date, but this is optional.

    Click Save

    Data sheet - 5. Consequences of non-compliance, applicable law & dispute settlement forum (if Article 31 is shown in the text)


    Resuming the action after GA/FPA suspension  

    (warning) The suspension end date cannot be earlier than the suspension start date and later than the project end date or the current date, if the project end date has not been defined.

    Manually set by the Beneficiary

    Amendment information
    (the type is set directly in the amendment information tab, no change in another SyGMa tab is required)

    Select the tick box for type "Resuming the action after GA suspension"

    Select the pencil icon to enter the suspension end date

    Enter the suspension end date and press "OK"


    GA/FPA termination (early termination)AutomaticAmendment informationPlease click here for more information.


    Change of Annex 2

    (warning) This amendment type is also available after the end date of the project (but NOT after the final payment) or after the termination date

    (warning) For a change of Annex 2a, contact the Commission/Agency before preparing your amendment.

    (warning)  This amendment type can be flagged as Error Amendment by the EU Officer

    • Automatically set as a change resulting from another type (see column impact on other amendment types)
    • Manually set by the PO in all other cases

    Amendment information

    The following amendment types will automatically trigger the setting of the "Change of annex 2" amendment type:

    • AT1: Addition of new beneficiary
    • AT2: Addition of an affiliated entity
    • AT3: Addition of an associated partner
    • AT5: Beneficiary termination (non-accession to the GA)
    • AT11: Change of the coordinator
    • AT43a: Change of the maximum grant amount (Annex 2)
    • Change of any partner cost break down

    If necessary, edit the date for when the changes will start to apply:

    • Click on the pencil icon 

    • Edit the date.

    Annex 2


    Change of maximum grant amount (Annex 2)

    (warning)  This amendment type is not applicable for FPAs.

    (warning)  This amendment type can be flagged as Error Amendment by the EU Officer

    • Project/Beneficiary Financial information
    • Amendment information

    The maximum grant amount (Annex 2) is the sum of the requested EU contributions of each individual participant of the project (beneficiary or affiliated entity). The maximum grant amount (Annex 2) cannot be changed directly.

    If there is a change of requested EU contributions of individual participants and the summary is different, then the maximum grant amount (Annex 2) changes.

    When the maximum grant amount (Annex 2) changes, a blocking message will display informing that the "Change of maximum grant amount (Annex 2)" type is not selected and must be selected manually.

    Usually there is a reshuffle of the budget between participants aiming not to change the maximum grant amount (Annex 2).

    When the maximum grant amount (Annex 2) is changed, the "Change of Annex 2" type will automatically be set.

    (warning) The maximum grant amount (Annex2) cannot be higher than the maximum grant amount (award decision)

    Data sheet - Section 2 - List of Participants & section 3 - Grant - Maximum grant amount, total estimated eligible costs and contributions and funding rate (Article 5)


    Change of maximum grant amount (award decision)

    (warning)  This amendment type can be activated only by the Commission/Agency.

    (warning)  This amendment type can be flagged as Error Amendment by the EU Officer

    • Project Financial information
    • Amendment information

    This data cannot be edited by the Consortium. Please ask your EU officer to apply the necessary changes to the maximum grant amount (award decision).

    The maximum grant amount (award decision) can be decreased or increased by the EU Officer.

    (warning)  If the amount is increased, the budgetary commitment should also be increased BEFORE the counter signature of the  amendment.

    The EU Officer can revert back to the previous maximum grant amount (award decision) by clicking the Undo button.

    In the Amendment information screen, the EU Officer will manually check the "Change of maximum grant amount (award decision)" type.

    Datasheet - 3. Grant (Article 5.2)


    Change concerning listed equipment

    (warning)  This amendment type can be flagged as Error Amendment by the EU Officer

    • GA Options
    • Amendment Information

    Change listed equipment

    In the GA Options screen, click the pencil icon  for GAO39 to edit the listed equipment

    Change the List of equipment and click OK

    Click save

    In the Amendment Information screen, the amendment type "Change concerning listed equipment" will be automatically set.

    (warning) You have the option to set the effective date but it is not mandatory. If the effective date is not set, the amendment will take effect on the entry into force date.

    To set the effective date, click the pencil icon  

    Enter the effective date and click OK.

    Data sheet - 3. Grant - Cost eligibility options (Article 6.2.C.2)If GA Options GAO39 is applicable and selected


    Change concerning customised unit costs/contributions (Annex 2b)

    (warning)  This amendment type is not applicable for FPAs

    (warning)  This amendment type can be flagged as Error Amendment by the EU Officer

    AutomaticBeneficiaries - Financial Information

    In the Financial Information screen, change the unit cost/contribution as required

    Click save

    In the Amendment Information screen, the amendment types "AT51a Change concerning customised unit costs/contributions (Annex 2b) and AT41 Change of Annex 2" will be automatically set.

    (warning) You have the option to set the effective date but it is not mandatory. If the effective date is not set, the amendment will take effect on the entry into force date.

    To set the effective date, click the pencil icon

    Enter the effective date and click OK.

    Click save

    Click the documents button and upload Annex 2b

    Show If
    group it-administrators; it-view-rights

    Not visible to users -  Issue - AT51a is listed in "Selected by the EU or Beneficiary and should be listed in Automatic)
    Documentation could be published as above, without the below print screens but should be added as below when issue is

    (warning) You have the option to set the effective date but it is not mandatory. If the effective date is not set, the amendment will take effect on the entry into force date.

     To set the effective date, click the pencil icon

    Enter the effective date and click OK.

    Click save

    Click the documents button and upload Annex 2b

    Data sheet - 3. Maximum grant amount, total estimated eligible costs and contributions and funding rate (Article 6.2.D.X Option 5)Only for programmes with customised unit costs/contributions (HE Research Infrastructure unit cost, AMIF EMN etc)


    Change of the prefinancing

    (warning)  This amendment type can be activated only by the Commission/Agency

    (warning) No payment letter will be generated after an increase of the pre-financing amount.

    (warning)  This amendment type can be flagged as Error Amendment by the EU Officer


    Financial information

    This data cannot be edited by the Consortium. Please ask your EU officer to apply the necessary changes to the prefinancing.

    The amount/percentage of the pre-financing can be changed by the EU Officer.

    In multi-prefin projects, the number of prefinancing installments can be increased by the EU Officer by pressing the Add prefinancing button.

    Updating prefinancing will automatically set the "Change of the prefinancing" amendment type:

    Data sheet - 4.2 Periodic reporting and payments (Article 22)

    If pre-financing is applicable (Mono or Multi)


    Change of the

    MIM contribution

    (warning) This amendment type can be activated only by the Commission/Agency

    (warning)  This amendment type is not applicable for FPAs

    (warning)  This amendment type can be flagged as Error Amendment by the EU Officer

    AutomaticFinancial Information

    This data cannot be edited by the Consortium. Please ask your EU officer to apply the necessary changes to the

    MIM contribution.

    In the Financial Information screen, change the MIM contribution as required

    Image Added

    Click Save

    Image Added

    The EU officer can undo the changes made to the

    MIM contribution by clicking the Undo button.

    Image Added

    In the Amendment Information screen, the amendment type "AT56 Change of the

    MIM contribution" will be automatically set.

    Image Added

    Data sheet - 4.2 Periodic reporting and payments (Article 22If pre-financing guarantee is applicable)Only for programmes with MIM (for e.g. HORIZON, RFCS)


    Change of the


    financing guarantee

    (warning) This amendment type can be activated only by the Commission/Agency

    (warning)  This amendment type can be flagged as Error Amendment by the EU Officer

    • GA Options
    • Amendment Information

    Beneficiaries / Partner - Financial information

    This data cannot be edited by the Consortium.

    Please ask your EU officer to apply the necessary changes to the


    financing guarantee.

    The EU officer will

    change the amount of the pre-financing guarantee (tick the box and introduce the value of the required amount (by default, the box is not flagged).

    Image Added

    The EU officer can undo the changes made to the Pre-financing guarantee by clicking the Undo button.

    Image Added

    When the pre-financing guarantee is changed, the "Change of the pre-financing guarantee" type will automatically be set.

    Image Added

    Data sheet - 4.2 Periodic reporting and payments (Article 22.3.4)

    If pre-financing guarantee is applicableAT59


    Change of the

    non-profit rule

    (warning) This amendment type can be activated only by the Commission/Agency

    (warning)  This amendment type can be flagged as Error Amendment by the EU Officer

    • GA Options
    • Amendment Information

    This data cannot be edited by the Consortium.
    Please ask your EU officer to apply the necessary changes to the

    non-profit rule.

    In the GA Options screen, the EU officer will select the tick box for GA065  Non profit rule (Data Sheet 4.2)  and click save

    Image Added

    Image Added

    In the Amendment Information screen, the amendment type "Change of the non-profit rule" will be automatically set.

    Image Added

    (warning) The EU officer will have the option to set the effective date but it is not mandatory. If the effective date is not set, the amendment will take effect on the entry into force date.

    To set the effective date, select the pencil icon Image Added

    Image Added

    Enter the effective date and click OK.

    Image Added

    Data sheet - 4.2 Periodic reporting and payments (Article 22.3.4 )If GA Options GA065 is applicable and selected


    Change of the list of CFS exempted participants (CFS waive)

    (warning) This amendment type can be activated only by the Commission/Agency

    Data sheet - 4.3 Certificates (Article 24)

    If CFS is applicable


    (warning)  This amendment type can be flagged as Error Amendment by the EU Officer

    AutomaticBeneficiaries - Financial Information

    This data cannot be edited by the Consortium. Please ask your EU officer to apply the necessary changes to the CFS flag.

    The CFS flag can be changed for a Beneficiary or an Affiliated Entity by the EU Officer. 

    Image Added

    When the CFS waive flag is changed, the "Change of the list of CFS exempted participants (CFS Wave)" type will automatically be set.

    Image Added

    Data sheet - 4.3 Certificates (Article 24)

    If CFS is applicable


    Change of blended finance investment component

    Data sheet - 1. General data (Article 1, 3, Annex 6)If GA Options GA090 is applicable


    Change of Annex 6

    (warning)  This amendment type can be flagged as Error Amendment by the EU Officer 

    • GA Options
    • Amendment Information

    In the Amendment Information GA Options screen, select the tick box for AT72b Change of Annex 6 and click saveclick the pencil iconImage Added for GA090 to edit the blended finance investment component 

    Image Added

    Change the investment component amount and click OK

    Image Added

    Click save

    Image Added

    In the Amendment Information screen, the amendment type "AT72a Change of blended finance investment component" will be automatically set.

    Image AddedImage Removed

    (warning) You have the option to set the effective date but it is not mandatory. If the effective date is not set, the amendment will take effect on the entry into force date.

    To set the effective date, select the pencil icon

    Image RemovedImage Added

    Enter the effective date and click OK

    Image Removed

    Click save

    Image Removed

    Click the documents button and upload Annex 6

    Image Removed

    Image Removed


    Image Added

    Data sheet - 1. General data (Article 1, 3, Annex 6)

    Only for programmes with blended finance (single action) 

    Used by HE EIC Accelerator Blended Finance

    Show If
    group it-administrators; it-view-rights
    Show If
    group it-administrators; it-view-rights
    Not visible to users - Below remaining story from SyGMa 21.0 release


    If GA Options GA090 is applicable


    Change of Annex 6

    Change of the MIM contribution

    (warning) This amendment type can be activated only by the Commission/Agency

    (warning)  This amendment type is not applicable for FPAs

    (warning)  This amendment type can be flagged as Error Amendment by the EU Officer 

    AutomaticFinancial Information

    This data cannot be edited by the Consortium. Please ask your EU officer to apply the necessary changes to the MIM contribution.

    In the Financial Information screen, change the MIM contribution as required

    Image Removed

    Click Save

    Image Removed

    The EU officer can undo the changes made to the MIM contribution by clicking the Undo button.

    Image Removed

    In the Amendment Information screen, the amendment type "AT56 Change of the MIM contribution" will be automatically set.

    Image Removed

    Amendment Information

    In the Amendment Information screen, select the tick box for AT72b Change of Annex 6 and click save

    Image Added

    (warning) You have the option to set the effective date but it is not mandatory. If the effective date is not set, the amendment will take effect on the entry into force date.

    To set the effective date, select the pencil icon Image Added

    Image Added

    Enter the effective date and click OK

    Image Added

    Click save

    Image Added

    Click the documents button and upload Annex 6

    Image Added

    Image Added

    Data sheet - 1. General data (Article 1, 3, Annex 6
    Data sheet - 4.2 Periodic reporting and payments (Article 22

    Only for programmes with blended finance (single action) 

    Used by HE EIC Accelerator Blended Finance

    Show If
    group it-administrators; it-view-rights

    MIM (for e.g. HORIZON, RFCS)
    Show If
    group it-administrators; it-view-rights

    Show If
    group it-administrators; it-view-rights

    Not visible to users - Below table to be made visible with SyGMa 22.2 release


    (SYGMA-45566 ) - Open
    (TGS) - Testing

    Change of associated partner link

    (warning)  This amendment type can be flagged as Error Amendment by the EU Officer

    AutomaticAssociated Partners

    Data sheet - 9.1 Associated partners

    If Associated Partners is applicable

    Show If

    internal information

    Information to be copied from

    How to prepare an amendment