EU Funding & Tenders Portal

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IT How To

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More on Grant Preparation

Online Manual

Session open to beneficiaries/coordinator

Editable screens

  1. Coordinator can edit ALL data that the externals are supposed to edit: the common data (like "General Information", "Work Packages", "Milestones", …,) and data of a specific beneficiary, or affiliated entity (linked third party).
  2. Beneficiary can view all the data of the project, but it can edit only the data of itself.
  3. EU staff can view the data of the project and they can edit specific data "reserved" for internals to edit: "GA Option", prefinancing amount, "GA Information", "Reporting Periods", Duration, Joint and Several Liability flag. 

(warning) The coordinator and the beneficiary should, as soon as they have been invited:

  • Nominate their Legal Entity Authorised Representative (LEAR) (take into account that the validation of the LEAR by the EU Validation Services can take a while)
  • Nominate their Project Legal Signatory (PLSIGN) (this is done by the LEAR)

(warning) The coordinator should select the PLSIGN who will appear in the Grant Agreement in Sygma from all PLSIGNs which have been nominated in the Funding & Tenders Portal. All nominated PLSIGNs are able to sign. Please see How to Nominate/revoke a Role to nominate other PLSIGNs. 

(warning) Currently, beneficiaries still receive a warning when they haven't nominated a PLSIGN when the grant needs to be signed, although this nomination is not mandatory for beneficiaries at this point in the funding process. This warning will soon disappear.  

Summary of access rights per editable screen

Editable screens Coordinator



EU staff 
Beneficiaries (general information)Edit all dataEdit only its data 


(only to change the Coordinator) 

Beneficiaries Partner Summary

Info normally read-only except for:

the option to edit Short Name

and Add a department

Edit only its data View 
Beneficiaries Financial InformationEdit all dataEdit only its data View 
Beneficiaries Project Representatives

Info imported from the Funding & Tenders Portal

not editable,

The coordinator has to tick one of the names if several have been selected as PLSign in the Funding & Tenders Portal, as the ticked name will appear in the GA (any PLSign may sign). *** (see note at the beginning of this table)

For the other beneficiaries, no need to do anything. (Currently there is a warning, which will be corrected soon).*** (see note at the beginning of this table)

How to Nominate/revoke a Role

Edit only its data View 
Beneficiaries Bank AccountEdit all dataViewView 
Beneficiaries Affiliated Entities (Linked Third Parties)Edit all dataEdit only its data Edit (only to flag Joint Several Liability) 
(Grant Agreement) General Information

Edit all data

All except duration



(only duration)

Reporting PeriodsViewView Edit 

GA Information

ViewView Edit 
(only duration of the project)

GA Options

ViewView Edit 

Financial Information

ViewView Edit  (only the pre-financing data)

LF Overview

ViewView Edit  

Work Packages

Edit all dataEdit all dataView 

Deliverables, Ethics, DMP, Other Reports

Edit all dataEdit all dataView 


Edit all dataEdit all dataView 


ViewView Edit 

Critical Risks

Edit all dataEdit all data View 
InfrastructuresEdit all dataEdit only its data Edit
Principal InvestigatorEdit all dataViewView
ResearcherEdit all data ViewView
RecruitmentEdit all dataViewView
SecondmentsEdit all dataViewView
Scientific PeriodsViewViewEdit
Partner OrganisationsEdit all dataViewView
EthicsViewView Edit 
Partner Membership (only for FCH)Edit all dataEdit only its dataView
Key Performance Indicators (KPI)Edit all dataViewEdit

Session open to EU staff

Editable screens

  1. Internals: full edit to all the data.
  2. Externals: only view, no edit.

Summary of access rights per editable screen

Editable screensCoordinator



EU staff
Beneficiaries (general information)View ViewEdit 
Beneficiaries Partner SummaryView ViewEdit  
Beneficiaries Financial InformationView ViewEdit
Beneficiaries Project RepresentativesView ViewEdit 
Beneficiaries Bank AccountView ViewEdit 
Beneficiaries Affiliated Entities (Linked Third Parties)View ViewEdit  
General InformationView ViewEdit 
Reporting PeriodsView ViewEdit  

GA information

View ViewEdit

GA Options

View ViewEdit

Financial Information

View ViewEdit  

LF Overview

View ViewEdit  

Work Packages

View ViewEdit  

Deliverables, Ethics, DMP, Other Reports

View ViewEdit  


View ViewEdit  


View ViewEdit  

Critical Risks

View ViewEdit  
EthicsView ViewEdit  