EU Funding & Tenders Portal

F&T Portal IT How To

IT How To

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Update your organisation


Financial capacity

In this tab, you can manage the financial data of your registered organisation:

You need to wait until the Central Validation Service requests you to provide financial data. At that moment, you are notified via the usual communication channels: you receive an email and a message in the Messages tab of your organisation data screen in the Funding & Tenders Portal.

Then, in the Financial capacity tab (marked with a red flag), you can access the Financial Capacity Assessment (FCA). Click on Provide necessary financial information:

This will redirect you to the step 2 of the assessment, Closing date:

Select a date in the calendar functionality or, optionally, mark the checkbox. Then, click on Next.

Specific case: If your organisation has no approved financial statements (i.e, it concerns a recently created entity) you must select “This organisation does not have any closed financial statements yet”. You will then obtain guidance on the documents to be provided and you must follow the steps described above for the upload of the financial information. In this case, the final checklist will be disabled and you will be requested to provide a justification about why the full set of document requested by the Central Validation Service cannot be provided.

In the following step, Upload documents, click on + Add new document:

A pop-up window appears, where you can upload the requested documents:

Click on Choose files to locate and select the documents that you need to upload (the maximum size per document is 6 megabytes). Then, select a Document type from the drop-down menu and, optionally, add closing dates for these documents and a description.

If you upload a declaration on the validity of the accounts, you can use the document type “External Auditor’s report”.

Click on Upload:

The document that you have uploaded appears at the top of the window, with the Draft status. This means that it has been correctly uploaded, click on Add document to finalise this task. If you need to add more documents, upload them one by one following the steps just described.

Once you have finished uploading the requested documents, you see this screen in the wizard:

Here, you have an overview of the documents that you have uploaded.

If you need to delete any of them, click on the corresponding Bin button, and to add documents, click on + Add new document. If you don’t have the requested documents, click on + Reasons to provide an explanation.

Specific case: If your organisation has already closed annual accounts that were provided to the Central Validation Service, but the annual accounts for the most recent year are still not finalised (i.e. data for 2018 is already provided, but on 30/09/2020 your annual accounts for the financial year ending on 31/12/2019 are still not approved). In such case, you are requested to select the closing date (i.e. 31/12/2019 from the foregoing example) and provide justification why these accounts are still not available by using the + Reasons button. Equally, in your justification, you are requested to provide an estimation by when these accounts are expected to be available.

Then, click on Next.

In the final step of the wizard, Confirm/Submit, you have an overview of all the provided data. You can still change the data by clicking on Edit closing date, Edit documents and, optionally, Reasons.

Then, click on the 3 declarations checkboxes and, finally, click on Submit.

Back in the Financial capacity main screen, you see the record line for the data that you have just provided, with the Data provided status, and the red flag has disappeared next to the tab name:

Click on View if you want to check the already provided data.

Once the Central Validation Service has reviewed your request, they may require additional information or documents. In this case, you will receive the corresponding message in the Messages tab and, in the Financial capacity tab (marked with a red flag), the View button will change into Edit:

Click Edit and repeat the steps to upload the required documents.

When the Central Validation Service has validated the data, in the Financial capacity tab you see the record line for the data that you have provided, with the Accepted status: