EU Funding & Tenders Portal

F&T Portal IT How To

IT How To

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Submit a proposal


Initiate the proposal

In the call page, either scroll down in the call page to the Start submission section, or select Submission service in the table of contents on the left. Then, click on the Start submission button:

You are now in the submission system. Carry out the following steps to create your call proposal. Please note, Proposals coordinators are advised to submit their proposals at least 48 hours before call closure.

You can resubmit your proposal if needed until the closure of the call. Once the call is closed, the last submitted version will be the one being evaluated.

These are the steps you need to undertake to complete the draft proposal:

Enter your organisation

Enter your organisation PIC. If you do not have the full PIC number, you can search by name or select from a previously associated organisation:

Entering the PIC will automatically populate the Short name field and highlight the address, as shown in the picture below:

Select your role in the proposal

Select your role (Main Contact or Contact person):

You would typically select the top-level role (Main Contact for most calls) for the Proposal coordinator organisation during the initial proposal draft creation. If you select the Contact person role (or another role if the call uses specific roles) for yourself, you will need to specify a top-level role (Main Contact) for your organisation in the next step . The person holding the Main Contact role will become the Coodinator of the proposal.

For more information about roles in the system, see Proposal roles and access rights.

Most calls use the standard Main Contact and Contact person roles for the Proposal coordinator organisation. However, some calls may require more specific roles, such as Principal Investigator, Main Host Institution Contact, Researcher, Supervisor, Applicant, etc. Calls of this type are pre-configured accordingly and their proposal submission forms contain special sections to address the specific roles and the respective data as needed. Likewise, the Proposal Submission Wizard for these calls will display the respective role options, as configured for each call.

Fill in the Acronym and Summary fields

Acronyms can be changed later on by the Proposal coordinator, by editing the Administrative form in Part A (see Proposal forms), in the section A1 Content within the form.

Click on Save and go to next step:

For some calls, there can be additional fields. For example, for the configuration shown here below, you need to pick up a priority from a drop-down in addition to provide the acronym and the summary:

Please note that for some calls we will add a structured proposal reference consisting of a prefix specific to the call, and your acronym. This reference cannot be changed, but you can always change your acronym when editing the application form.

When a structured proposal reference identification is in use for the call you are submitting your proposal, you will see it in the proposal form above the acronym field (the structured proposal reference will not be editable, your acronym will be editable):

The structured proposal reference may be shown under the My Proposal(s) section in the Portal instead of just your acronym:

Accept the Terms and Conditions for the submission of proposals

You will be presented with the following disclaimer. Select your preferred option and click on OK and proceed. Click on Cancel to decline (in this case, the draft will not be saved):

After accepting, the following message confirms that your draft proposal has been created, and your draft will be given a temporary Proposal ID. You will also receive a confirmation email.

At this point, the draft has been saved and you will find it listed under My Proposal(s) in the Portal. Click on Continue with this proposal to proceed to the next step.

To postpone this action for a later time and return to your list of proposals in the Funding & Tenders Portal, click on Go to My Proposals. This will take you back to Portal.

To access back the proposal from the Portal screen, click on the Actions button next to the proposal and select Edit Draft: