Fisheries Areas Network

Education and training

  • A network for seafaring women

    - Good Practice Project
    A cooperation project between two Catalan FLAGs has supported the creation of an association, which aims to increase the visibility of women from fishing and aquaculture and improve their ability to develop business projects that help diversify the sector.
  • Cooperation for supporting marine tourism businesses by fisheries families

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    The ‘Mar das Illas’ cooperation project sees three FLAGs in the Pontevedra province working together to support local fishers and families in their entrepreneurial efforts focused on marine and pesca-tourism.
  • Cooperation for supporting marine tourism businesses by fisheries families

    - Good Practice Project
    Proiectul de cooperare „Mar das Illas” include trei FLAG-uri din provincia Pontevedra care colaborează pentru a sprijini pescarii și familiile locale în eforturile lor antreprenoriale axate pe turismul marin și pescăresc.
  • Attracting young people to the fisheries sector in the Chioggia and Po Delta

    - Good Practice Short Story
    The Chioggia and Po Delta FLAG has successfully convinced a high school to launch an official training programme in commercial fishing and fish production. The FLAG used their animation activities, together with fisheries stakeholders and the wider local community, to attract their first groups of students who will become the entrepreneurs of the future.
  • Mar das Illas cooperation project shows results of its third edition

    - News
    The International Day of Marine Tourism and Pesca-tourism will take place on the 24th of September in the city of Pontevedra (Spain). On this day, the three FLAGs located in the Rías Baixas (Galicia) will present the results of the third edition of the Mar das Illas project, whose main objective is economic diversification through the promotion of marine tourism among fishers and their families.
  • Transferring CLLD to Tunisian fishing communities

    - Good Practice Project
    Un FLAG italian și partenerii săi accesează fonduri în cadrul cererii Economie albastră sustenabilă lansată de EASME pentru a sprijini comunităților pescărești din Tunisia să își dezvolte capacitatea de a implementa dezvoltarea locală plasată sub responsabilitatea comunități (DLRC).
  • Reviving the fisheries sector by promoting local seafood

    - Good Practice Short Story
    To support the economic revival of the local fishing sector following the COVID-19 crisis, the local fishing communities of the Hauts-de-France region have launched a weekly column in newspapers to promote their seafood products.
  • Adapting fishing practices to protect seabirds

    - Good Practice Project
    Through the MedAves Pesca project, the Oeste FLAG joined together with the Portuguese NGO SPEA to enable better communication and interaction with the fisheries sector. This joint project focused on adapting fisheries practices to avoid the death of seabirds while fishing in the Ilhas Berlengas area.
  • An aquarium supplied by local fishermen on the Wild Atlantic Way

    - Good Practice Project
    A local company set up by Achill community two decades ago, has created an aquarium in a disused building they own, engaging volunteers, retired fishers and fisheries-related workers. The Achill Experience Aquarium and Visitors Centre became the first cultural space in Ireland based on local fisheries heritage and remains one of the biggest attractions of the county.
  • Fishing intelligently

    - Good Practice Project
    Finnish and Polish fishermen work together on spreading new fishing techniques which benefit both the natural environment and the fisheries sector