Fisheries Areas Network


  • Seaweed collection to fertilise local fields

    - Good Practice Short Story
    In the Vigo-A Guarda FLAG area, shellfish gatherers are working with local wine producers and a forestry association to turn seaweed - once a nuisance to their activity - into a valuable and sustainable resource: quality compost.
  • Reducing waste linked to processing shellfish

    - Good Practice Short Story
    An Irish FLAG has supported a local, family aquaculture business that farms Gigas oysters to improve processing methods, reduce energy consumption and cut waste.
  • fr-eu-map-france

    FR - FLAG Cooperation in France

    - Cooperation MS Fiche
    Cooperation is strongly encouraged by the programme authorities in France and FLAGs were required to lay out their plans for cooperation within their local development strategies in their bid to gain EMFF funding. In some cases, cooperation is viewed as a transversal tool to strengthen the impact of all areas of FLAG work and, in other cases, cooperation is programmed as an area of work in its own right with specific objectives.
  • Supporting small-scale fisheries and aquaculture businesses

    - Good Practice Project
    Att utveckla småskaligt fiske och vattenbruksföretag i området för Västra Litauen FLAG utgör en central faktor för den ekonomiska utvecklingen av regioner som Klaipeda och Priekulė. Syftet med detta projekt, som genomförs av ett litet lokalt företag, är att stärka förädlingen av produkter från lokalt fiske och vattenbruk genom en rad FLAG-finansierade strategiska investeringar.
  • Producing essential oils from marine plants

    - Good Practice Short Story
    Thanks to business advice from Oeste FLAG and national financial support, a fisheries observer who wanted to change his career path has successfully started his own company in Portugal, working with marine plants called halophytes.
  • Private fish processor investing in the FLAGs

    - Good Practice Short Story
    With their “Thanks to the Fisherman” campaign, one of Finland’s biggest fish processors, aims to raise approximately €100 000 for the FLAGs to support their local fishermen
  • A social enterprise that places local fish in school canteens

    - Good Practice Project
    Ett socialt samriskföretag mellan Röda Korset och en lokal fiskauktion hjälper arbetslösa till arbete och säkrar samtidigt ett ställe där undervärderad lokal fisk och skaldjur kan vidareförädlas.
  • Processing and retailing fisheries and aquaculture products

    - Cooperation Idea
    The project aims to set up transnational cooperation between FLAGs with potential for developing the FAP processing sector. This offers a valuable opportunity for fishing communities to increase the EU and worldwide market of processed FAPs while reducing overfishing. The project will focus on the following local FAPs: blue crab, mussels, sardines and anchovies.
  • Fisheries and angling potential: creating the conditions for local development

    - Cooperation Idea
    A group of 9 inland and coastal FLAGs from Poland has found partners from Italy, Latvia and Lithuania to launch a cooperation project that entails the exchange of experience and joint actions, such as study visits to each of the areas involved along 2020-2021.
  • Minced fish from unwanted by-catch

    - Good Practice Short Story
    Local fishermen in Lapland, northern Finland, create a mincing facility to process unwanted by-catch into new marketable products such as fish fingers.