Fisheries Areas Network

Adding value to fisheries

  • LAG-FLAG cooperation launches a consultancy service on funding opportunities for local citizens

    - News
    In 2018, the West-Central Sardinia FLAG and the Sinis LEADER LAG, rescued the Sportello Europa Sinis project, a public and free service to improve the communication of European, National and Regional calls and bring EU initiatives closer to the wider population.
  • Promoting aquaculture products

    - Good Practice Project
    Tri slovenske lokalne akcijske skupine za ribištvo uvajajo skupno ocenjevanje izdelkov iz ribogojstva, da bi tako vzpostavile sistem kakovosti za ribiške proizvode, proizvedene v Sloveniji.
  • Private fish processor investing in the FLAGs

    - Good Practice Short Story
    With their “Thanks to the Fisherman” campaign, one of Finland’s biggest fish processors, aims to raise approximately €100 000 for the FLAGs to support their local fishermen
  • Dobrogea North FLAG

    - FLAG Factsheet
    Situated on the Black Sea, the FLAG area is characterised by a series of reliefs and cliffs. Inland the region includes a network of lakes and the territory is crossed by a significant number of rivers, including the Casimcea with a length of 50km and a river basin of 740km2. In the FLAG area also includes the long Poarta Alba - Midia Năvodari channel which connects the Midia Maritime Luminita Por
  • Fishing festivals to promote local freshwater species

    - Basic page
    A cooperation project promoting fishing heritage, strengthening local traditions and increasing the consumption of forgotten freshwater fish species. More information available in EN, LT, DA, FI, EL, FR
  • A social enterprise that places local fish in school canteens

    - Good Practice Project
    A social joint venture between the Red Cross and a local fish auction helps the unemployed into work while securing a place to process undervalued local seafood.
  • PT - FLAG Cooperation in Portugal

    - Cooperation MS Fiche
    Cooperation in Portugal is considered a useful tool to allow the FLAGs to bring together the knowledge and capacity of actors with different levels of experience, including those from rural and urban areas. As such, support for cooperation will focus on fostering exchange between different organisations, with the aim of resolving common problems and putting into practice ideas that produce benefits that go beyond a single FLAG area.
  • Fishing festivals to promote local freshwater species

    - Good Practice Project
    A cooperation project promoting fishing heritage, strengthening local traditions and increasing the consumption of forgotten freshwater fish species.
  • Fish farm transforms into a tourism and recreation centre

    - Good Practice Project
    Poljska ribogojnica se je preusmerila in preoblikovala v uspešno turistično in rekreacijsko središče, kar je dodalo vrednost in dodaten prihodek.
  • Supporting business development in Barycz Valley

    - Good Practice Project
    Through a series of inter-connected activities and innovative methods of quality management, a FLAG builds the capacity of local businesses, including fish farmers, restaurants, educational and recreational service providers, and encourages them to cooperate.