Fisheries Areas Network


  • Poland - 36 FLAGs - 93.7 M€

    - Country Factsheet
    While sea fisheries in Poland suffer from decreasing fish stocks in the main catching area (the Baltic Sea), inland aquaculture still has significant potential for growth (mainly carp). In Poland, the focus of the 36 FLAGs is more on the fisheries sector and job creation, than on the development of coastal areas in general.
  • pl-eu-map-poland

    PL - FLAG Cooperation in Poland

    - Cooperation MS Fiche
    Cooperation activities are not mandatory in the Polish EMFF programme, but FLAGs are encouraged to undertake them. Cooperation is considered as a good way to facilitate learning by FLAGs and to contribute to achieving their strategic objectives, which strongly prioritise job creation, both within and outside the fisheries sector. In the previous period many Polish FLAGs already proved eager to learn from FLAGs in other Member States and to share their experience with them.
  • Making local products the brand of the area

    - Good Practice Short Story
    The Carp Valley FLAG strategy has a clear focus on encouraging local entrepreneurship. The area, highly dependent on inland fisheries and aquaculture, uses its products as an engine for diversification, tourism promotion and awareness-raising about the assets of the territory.
  • Joint promotion for increasing local incomes

    - Good Practice Short Story
    Two FLAGs in Poland have joined efforts to implement a project promoting the fishing potential of two different regions. By focusing on their areas of greatest expertise, the FLAGs made a greater impact in their respective localities.
  • Wind turbine

    Eco-diversifying the local economy

    - Good Practice Short Story
    In Poland, the North Kaszuby FLAG supported the setting up of an experimental wind turbine in a local engineering company, helping to establish a new local energy supply, to promote economic diversification, and to create a new educational offer.
  • Fishing intelligently

    - Good Practice Project
    Fińscy i polscy rybacy współpracują w zakresie popularyzacji nowych metod połowu korzystnych zarówno dla środowiska naturalnego, jak i sektora rybołówczego
  • Fish farm transforms into a tourism and recreation centre

    - Good Practice Project
    Rodzime gospodarstwo rybackie zdywersyfikowało swoją działalność i przekształciło się w ruchliwy ośrodek turystyki oraz rekreacji, zyskując dodatkową wartość i zwiększając dochód.
  • Supporting business development in Barycz Valley

    - Good Practice Project
    Za sprawą szeregu wzajemnie powiązanych działań oraz innowacyjnych metod zarządzania jakością, RLGD buduje potencjał lokalnych firm, w tym gospodarstw rybackich, restauracji oraz dostawców usług edukacyjnych i rekreacyjnych, a także zachęca je do współpracy.
  • Fisheries and angling potential: creating the conditions for local development

    - Cooperation Idea
    A group of 9 inland and coastal FLAGs from Poland has found partners from Italy, Latvia and Lithuania to launch a cooperation project that entails the exchange of experience and joint actions, such as study visits to each of the areas involved along 2020-2021.
  • FARNET Magazine n°16

    - Publication
    The sixteenth edition of the FARNET magazine explores sustainability, blue growth and the circular economy from a CLLD perspective. What have we learnt in the ten years since a CLLD approach was first introduced in fisheries areas under the EMFF? How can we position fisheries CLLD for the future? Is the circular economy key? These are just some of the questions addressed in this thought-provoking edition.