Fisheries Areas Network

Union Européenne

  • Lotru Middle Olt FLAG

    - Fiches FLAG
    The FLAG area is situated along the river Olt. In the territory are ten urban and rural communes which all have small-scale fisheries and aquaculture industries. Other activities such as agriculture, chemical production, forestry, food and tourism dominate the local economy. Local handicrafts are recognised and sold nationwide.
  • Using a Hackathon to foster entrepreneurship and innovation in coastal areas

    - Good Practice Method
    Pour la quatrième année consécutive, Boulogne-sur-Mer a organisé un hackaton visant à encourager l’esprit d’entreprise et les idées innovantes en vue de la résolution des défis auxquels sont confrontées les zones côtières de la région.
  • Botosani FLAG

    - Fiches FLAG
    The FLAG is predominantly located in rural areas where activities such as agriculture and fishing are commonplace. The region is situated between Siret and Prut, in the north-east part of Romania. The territory boarders Ukraine in the north and Moldova in the east. At the west and south it has borders with the Suceava and Iași Counties.
  • Port development through local cooperation in Sweden

    - Good Practice Short Story
    The operation of Hästholmen harbour involves the cooperation of several local actors. Through a series of FLAG projects, the port has been improved and developed in accordance with the local community’s needs and opportunities.
  • Xesmar: a digital app for managing shellfish activities

    - Good Practice Project
    Une plateforme numérique développée par et pour le secteur de la conchyliculture simplifie et améliore la gestion, le contrôle et la planification des activités conchylicoles au quotidien.
  • Fil & Fab: From harbour collection to recycling of old fishing nets

    - Good Practice Short Story
    New start-up, Fil & Fab, is tackling the issue of marine litter by developing the first French recycling network for old fishing nets.
  • Dealing with the challenges of 500-year-old fishing traditions

    - Good Practice Short Story
    This project shows how to bring together preservation of cultural heritage with present needs of fishermen.
  • Denmark’s first open-water mussel farm

    - Good Practice Project
    Kerteminde Organic Mussel Farm est la première entreprise danoise à commercialiser des moules élevées en eaux libres. Elle entend produire des moules de haute qualité de manière efficace et respectueuse de l’environnement, tout en stimulant les activités maritimes dans la région et en créant des emplois locaux.
  • Cooperation project connects Northern and Southern Mediterranean shores

    - Actualité
    Local fisheries communities from France, Italy and Tunisia will be sharing ideas on sustainable economic diversification, thanks to a new cooperation project run by the Etruscan Coast FLAG in Tuscany (IT).
  • Salina Greens – Farming organic Salicornia on abandoned salt marshes

    - Good Practice Project
    « Salina Greens » est une entreprise portugaise de production et de transformation de salicorne (Salicornia), une espèce végétale indigène qui pousse dans les marais salants. Cette activité contribue à la préservation de zones à haute valeur environnementale, tout en soutenant l’économie locale.