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Language information

  1. Provide the following information of the CI/PS in the relevant national language:

    • Full title

    • Title for lay people

    • Description for Design methodology – Other – only if this value was selected for Design methodology previously

    • Description for Type of subjects – Other – only if this value was selected for Type of subjects previously

    • Primary objective

    • Secondary objective

    • Other objective(s)

    • Primary endpoint

    • Secondary endpoint

    • Other endpoint(s)

    • Overall synopsis

    • Inclusion criteria

    • Exclusion criteria

  2. National language-specific Investigational/study (and Comparator) device(s) information sections:

    EUDAMED national language-specific investigational/study device(s) information and national language-specific comparator device(s) information fields
  3. As soon as the sections Investigational/Study devices and Comparator are filled in, the system will create the correct number of sub-sections, if any.

  4. For each sub-section (Investigational/Study device(s) and Comparator), provide the following information in the relevant language:

    • Device name – not applicable to PMCF/PMPF notification or to the Comparator section

    • Device trade name – not applicable to PMCF/PMPF notification or to the Comparator section

    • Device description

    • Intended (clinical) purpose

  5. Provide the following documents in the national language:

    • Instruction for use

    • Informed consent/Patient information leaflet *

    • Ethics Committee opinion *

    • Proof of insurance

    • Other national requirements

    * For these documents you must acknowledge that they do not contain private information, as they are expected to be public. To do it, tick the box.

    EUDAMED this document is foreseen to be public: please confirm that the file does not contain any private information box ticked
  6. If you are uploading a document that is expected to be public and it contains private information, you must upload a redacted version. To do it, click Add public version.

    EUDAMED add public version button