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CI/PS contact person

  1. Click CI/PS contact person from the left menu.


    If your organisation is not established in the EEA, United Kingdom (Northern Ireland only) or Türkiye, you will be asked to provide a legal representative and the contact person of the Sponsor’s legal representative.

    EUDAMED fields to complete in the sponsor's legal representative identification page
  2. Choose the contact person of the CI/PS from the drop-down list:

    • Same as contact person of Sponsor

    • Same as contact person of Sponsor’s legal representative: this option will appear only if you have a legal representative.

    • Other: if you select this option, you will be asked to provide the details of the contact person.

    EUDAMED contact person is field in the contact person for the ci/ps page
  3. If you select Same as contact person of Sponsor the below message will be displayed:

    EUDAMED message displayed when the option same as contact person of sponsor is selected in the contact person is field