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CI/PS identification

Click CI/PS Identification from the left menu.

In this section you must identify your CI/PS plan by providing the following information:

  • CI/PS plan code: This value will no longer be editable in a new version of this application or any linked application (re-submission or submission for additional country/-ies).

  • CI/PS plan version

  • CI/PS plan date: You can only choose a date in the past.

  • Full title

  • Short title

  • Title for lay people

If you are submitting a pre-existing application/notification, depending on the information you have provided during the registration step, further details will be requested in the section Information on the pre-existing application/notification:

EUDAMED fields to complete in the information on the pre-existing application/notification page

Once the CA accepts the pre-existing application/notification, the state will correspond to the value that is selected in this field.

If you choose Ended, Terminated early or Temporarily halted the system will display two new fields, asking you to indicate the start date and the end/termination/halt date.

EUDAMED what was the start date and what was the end/termination/halt date fields displayed when the selected status is ended, terminated early or temporarily halted