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Coordinated assessment information

Click Coordinated assessment information from the left menu

Select the countries from the drop-down to which the single application will be submitted.


You can only select countries for which the competent authority has declared to be ready to participate in a coordinated assessment procedure.

EUDAMED country for this application (eea countries, united kingdom (northern ireland) and turkey) field in the coordinated assessment information tab

As soon as you select the country, the system will load the national information section specific for the selected country.

To add more countries click Add.

EUDAMED country for this application (eea countries, united kingdom (northern ireland) and Türkiye) field and add button


As soon as a country is selected, the field becomes read only. If you need to correct it before submission, click Remove and then Add.

EUDAMED remove and add buttons

Choose the proposed coordinating Competent Authority from the drop-down list. You will see only the Competent Authorities linked to the countries that you have selected above and that are available to be the coordinating Competent Authority.

EUDAMED proposed coordinating competent authority field in the coordinated assessment information tab