SWIM - Applying for grants

Privacy statement

This page explains what the Commission uses the data entered in SWIM applications for, and how its confidentiality is guaranteed.

The SWIM database holds information on

  • applicants, legal representatives, person responsible for the project (legal status, address, telephone, banking information, VAT number)
  • previously received grants
  • the project for which the grant is required (budget details, starting and end dates, description, financing sources, co-beneficiaries)
SWIM - Applying for grants

Privacy statement

This page explains what the Commission uses the data entered in SWIM applications for, and how its confidentiality is guaranteed.

The SWIM database holds information on

  • applicants, legal representatives, person responsible for the project (legal status, address, telephone, banking information, VAT number)
  • previously received grants
  • the project for which the grant is required (budget details, starting and end dates, description, financing sources, Co-beneficiaries)

Why is this data collected?

To create a database for evaluating grant applications.

The database is an important administrative tool for the Commission. It is governed by a Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 - Protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data
The data is saved in an online form in a relational database, checked to avoid fictitious or erroneous data and then validated for future use.

Access to the collected data

Access to the data is restricted to staff in DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion. They are authorised to read the data and correct any data-entry errors.

Data security

The data is protected by the standard security mechanisms for a relational database.

Checking, changing and deleting data

The data collected via the online form is first checked and validated before being entered into the database.
If you want to check your personal details in the database, contact the database managers (see contact points, below).

How long will the data be kept?

Only as long as needed to meet the purpose of collecting it - and to be able to meet audit obligations.

Contact points

You can find contact details for the staff responsible for managing the data by selecting the precise policy field from this list and clicking Contact.

Why is this data collected?

To create a database for evaluating grant applications.

The database is an important administrative tool for the Commission. It is governed by a Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 - Protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data
The data is saved in an online form in a relational database, checked to avoid fictitious or erroneous data and then validated for future use.

Access to the collected data

Access to the data is restricted to staff in DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion. They are authorised to read the data and correct any data-entry errors.

Data security

The data is protected by the standard security mechanisms for a relational database.

Checking, changing and deleting data

The data collected via the online form is first checked and validated before being entered into the database.
If you want to check your personal details in the database, contact the database managers (see contact points, below).

How long will the data be kept?

Only as long as needed to meet the purpose of collecting it - and to be able to meet audit obligations.

Contact points

You can find contact details for the staff responsible for managing the data by selecting the precise policy field from this list and clicking Contact.

This field must be filled in.