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Proposal submission

Proposals must be submitted electronically using the Portal Submission System.

Where? Access to the Submission System is available through the Topic page on the Portal> Start Submission.

Who? Proposals must be created and submitted by a contact person of the coordinating organisation. Exceptions exist for some programmes/types of action which are fully focused on individuals (e.g. the Principal Investigator in Horizon Europe ERC grants or the Fellow in Horizon Europe MSCA grants).

How? The Submission wizard will guide you step-by-step through the process. You will need to use the online forms and templates available in the Submission System. The application form is described below.

Submission process

Get prepared: Finding your topic > Find partners > Plan your work and budget

Electronic proposal submission: Get an EU Login account > Get a PIC number (Participant Register) > Launch Submission wizard > Pre-register your draft proposal > List participants, contact persons > Fill in Administrative Forms (Part A) > Upload Technical Description (Part B) > Submit your proposal > Acknowledgement of receipt

Application form (Part A and B)

Proposals are submitted using the application forms available in the Submission System. The application form is structured in into two parts, Parts A and B:

  • Part A: contains the structured Administrative Forms with data on the participants, legal declarations and contact persons (retrieved from the Submission System screens). It may also include some programme-specific questions.
  • Part B (the narrative part): Technical Description of the project with the planned activities, work packages, costs, etc (must be uploaded as PDF).

Part A is generated while entering the data into the Submission System; Part B needs to be prepared in advance (using the template downloaded from the system; do NOT use the standard template from the Topic page).

Part B will also include annexes and supporting documents if required by the call conditions (detailed budget table, declarations from national authorities, CVs, annual activity reports, etc).

(warning) All participants can contribute to the parts, but it is the person from the coordinating organisation who created the application the one to finalise and submit the application.

Tasks of the Coordinator:

  • Mandate: Make sure that you have the mandate of all participants to submit the application (explicit agreement to participate).
  • Quality check:

Check that the application is coherent and that Part A and B are consistent (especially budgetary information).

Make sure that the template has been followed and all sections are completed; make sure that no annexes are missing.


EU services will treat your proposal confidentially, as well as any related information, data and documents received.

Our evaluators (both in-house and outside experts, if any) are also bound by an obligation of confidentiality.

(warning) Please do NOT discuss your proposal with persons that might act as expert evaluator for us or be otherwise involved in the evaluation, since this could lead to a conflict of interest with adverse consequences both for you and the concerned person.

Security, data protection and document retention

Your proposal and all the information received from you will be stored under secure conditions at all times. The Portal is a closed, secured platform with multiple safeguards.

After the evaluation, we will keep the proposals for audit trail purposes (at least 5 years for unsuccessful proposals and 10 years after project end for successful proposals and, possibly, longer if needed for controls, checks and audit purposes).

Personal data will be handled according to the standards set out in Regulation No 2018/1725 and in line with the Portal Privacy Statement .

(warning) Please be aware that your proposal MUST NOT contain any classified information (Decision 2015/444 or national rules).

Access to proposals

The proposals will remain sealed and closed until after the call deadline.

However, in order to plan the evaluation process (organise translations, evaluation capacities, evaluators with specialist knowledge, etc) we will ask you for permission to access to certain information already before:

  • call title and topic for which the proposal is submitted
  • title of your application, proposal abstract, keywords
  • PICs of the participating organisations
  • relevant panel (for proposals submitted to specific panels, e.g. Horizon Europe MSCA, UCPM).

(warning) A warning will inform you that the Granting Authority will be accessing this information and will give you the opportunity to refuse access.

Get prepared

Before you can start completing your application, you should study the call documentation, select partners and plan your project.

Study the call documentation

Choose your topic, and then read carefully the related documents and standard templates that are available on the Topic page.

(warning) The Submission System will check some basic admissibility and eligibility requirements, but NOT all of them. It is therefore very important that you carefully read the call conditions. Please note that whenever there is a contradiction between the IT checks in place and the call documentation, the call documentation prevails.

Select your partners for the project

Most calls require several participants in the proposal (see call conditions on the Topic page).

You can use the Portal Partner Search to find partners. Other partner search tools are explained in the Helpdesk & Support Services page.

Plan your project and prepare the Technical Description (Part B)

Planning of the work (work packages, deliverables, milestones)

Look at the call conditions, award criteria and standard application form (Technical Description (Part B)) on the Topic page.

For most types of action the Technical Description must give a detailed description of the project idea and work plan (work packages, milestones and deliverables, division of responsibilities and resources, time schedule, project management structure, dissemination and communication activities).

Work packages

All project activities should be grouped in a logical, consistent and structured way into separate work packages. All work packages must present a clear, logical link to the project objectives and to the other work packages. Ideally, each work package should constitute a sub-part of the project, a step leading to the achievement of the project's overall goals.

Projects should normally have at least 2 work packages:

work package 1 — management and coordination activities

work package 2 — outputs related to the project goals.

Beyond that, create only as many as you need (as many as necessary, as few as possible).

Work package 1 should normally cover all activities related to the general management and coordination of the project and any activities that do not relate to any of the work packages leading to a specific result, but which are directly linked to the project as a whole.

For the other work packages, describe the:


activities to be implemented — in specific terms

(tangible and intangible) outputs to be produced.

Milestones & deliverables (if required)

Concerning the outputs:

  1. Distinguish between milestones and deliverables:
    • milestones: control points in the project that help to chart progress (kick-off meetings, steering committes, first-draft of a survey, prototype, etc.)
    • deliverables: outputs to be submitted to the EU (publication, leaflet, progress report, brochure, list, etc.)
  2. Be as specific as possible, e.g.:
    • events — the number of events, title, content, duration, number of participants, etc.
    • publications — number of pages, language, format (printed/electronic), number of printed copies (in each language), etc.
  3. Be realistic about what you can achieve within the project duration. The scope of your project should be large enough to make a difference, but it doesn't need to produce an excessively high number of outputs.
  4. Refer only to major outputs. Do NOT include minor sub-items, internal working papers, meeting minutes, etc. Adapt the number of deliverables to the size of your project and work packages (use as many as necessary, as few as possible). You may be asked to reduce or increase the number during grant preparation.


Look at the budget table in the Administrative Forms (Part A) in the Submission System. Only the white cells need to be filled in (the grey cells are not applicable or automatically filled by the system).

Cross-check with Part B to see if you will also need to submit a detailed budget table or outline budgetary details also in Part B.

The budget categories to be used for the call are set out in the call conditions and explained in the AGA — Annotated Grant Agreement.

The budgeted costs should be based on a detailed and accurate estimation of your estimated project costs (based on the cost eligibility rules set out in the Grant Agreement). They should include all your estimated costs (those of your Affiliated Entities should be presented separately, for each participating entity).

Keep your estimates on file — you may be required to produce them later on.

Annexes & supporting documents

If required by the call conditions, you will need to prepare additional annexes and supporting documents (consortium description, declarations by the national authorities, CVs, annual activity reports, etc.)

(warning) Use the templates provided inside the Submission System (NOT the ones on the Topic page).

Detailed budget table (if required)

Many programmes require the submission of a detailed budget table (templates are usually in format .xlsx or .xlxm). 

Simple .xlsx files can simply be filled-in, merged and uploaded. For .xlsm files, you can usually — after the table has been filled-in and completed using the macro-support — save a copy as .xlsx and use that copy for merging and uploading the file. 

If you are asked to merge and upload a table as PDF (usually for needed for GAP), please proceed as follows:

Sheets per participant must be filled in for each Beneficiary/Affiliated Entity; sheets for the entire project must be filled in by the Coordinator — after having received all the information by the other participants.

Combine into a single PDF:

  1. Save participant sheets into one PDF per Beneficiary/Affiliated Entity (choose sheets via 'Options' when saving as PDF).
  2. Save participant sheets and project sheets into a PDF for the Coordinator.
  3. Combine into a single PDF for upload (using Adobe Acrobat or the Preview App on Apple Macs).
  4. Upload in the system.

CVs (if required)

Provide CVs for the core project team (these are the key staff you have listed in part B and may include outside experts, if key to your proposal).

You can submit CVs in any format. If standard CVs are required in the call conditions we strongly recommend you to use the Europass format. If short outlines are requested, there are no specific formatting requirements (but please keep the information on each person to name, birthdate and 1-2 paragraphs describing studies and most relevant work experience).

As far as possible, upload them in a single PDF file, rather than individually.

If you are still recruiting, please provide the job profile.

Activity report of last year (if required)

This report should describe your organisation's activities for the last year.

It should be detailed enough to allow us to check your organisation's aims and activities and its operational and professional capacity.

No finalised annual report yet? Submit the draft version, certified by your organisation's legal representative.

No report of this type available? Create one for this application and have it certified by your legal representative.

Online versions — If your report is available on your website, you can just provide a link (directly to the document(s), not simply to the homepage) and indicate the link on a separate sheet and upload it as annex (PDF format).

Electronic proposal submission: Get an EU Login account > Get a PIC number (Participant Register) > Launch Submission wizard > Pre-register your draft proposal > List participants, contact persons > Fill in Administrative Forms (Part A) > Upload Technical Description (Part B) > Submit your proposal > Acknowledgement of receipt

Proposals must be submitted online using the Portal Submission System and before the call deadline.

Detailed explanations are available in the HOW TO .

Actions to be completed before submission

Create your user account to login to the Portal

To be able to submit a proposal, you must first register on the Portal for an EU Login account.

Make sure all participants are registered (PIC)

All participants (Beneficiaries, Affiliated Entities and Associated Partners) must be registered in the Participant Register and have their 9-digit Participant Identification Code (PIC). The Coordinator has to be identified with its PIC number at Step 3 of the Submission wizard, while other participants at Step 4.

Read more about registration and PIC search in the Registration and validation of your organisation section.

Submitting the application

The Submission wizard will guide you step-by-step through the process.

Detailed explanations are available in the HOW TO .

(warning) Do not forget to check the system requirements for using the Submission System.

Launch the Submission wizard and enter information for the Administrative Forms (application form (Part A))

Go to the topic on the Search funding & tenders page > Start Submission .

Upload Part B (Technical Description) and annexes and supporting documents

Part B (and the annexes and supporting documents can be uploaded in Step 5 of the wizard. Detailed instructions for preparing these documents are available in the section Get prepared.


Do not wait until the end to submit

It is highly recommended to submit your proposalas early as possible and at least 48 hours before the deadline. This will avoid technical problems (system requirements, local configuration settings, system congestion, etc.)

(warning) Please note that you can submit the proposal as many times as you want. Every submitted version will replace the previous one. Your proposal is sealed and closed. It will not be accessed before the deadline of the call. There is no reason to delay submission for fear of disclosure.

Affiliated entities

In Step 4 of the wizard you specify the organisations participating in the consortium. As from 2021, this will include Affiliated Entities and Associated Partners. They will therefore need to have registered beforehand and have their PIC. Their budget will also have to be individualised already at application stage (separate row in the budget table).

Access rights of individual contact persons

In Step 4 of the wizard you also specify the contact persons for the organisations. To read more about the levels of access rights, see the Roles and access rights section.

Changes to organisation-related data during proposal preparation

If your organisation is already registered, but organisation-related data has changed during proposal preparation, you cannot update it directly in the Submission System.

The update must first be requested via the Participant Register ( My Organisations > Actions > Modify Organisation ):

Page limits and formatting requirements for the Technical Description (Part B)

Don't forget that applications may have mandatory page limits and formatting requirements (indicated at the beginning of the application form). Excess pages will be automatically made invisible, and will not be taken into consideration by the evaluators.

Checklist for submission

Before submitting the proposal, check that:

  • your proposal fulfills the call conditions
  • the proposal (both the Administrative Forms (Part A) and Technical Description (Part B)) is complete, readable, accessible and printable
  • the requested declarations have been made
  • all consortium members have:
  • obtained a user account to log in to the Portal
  • registered in the Participant Register.

Mock evaluation

For some programmes, you can find standard evaluation forms similar to those used by our evaluators on Portal Reference Documents . Try them out. Ideally, ask a disinterested colleague to carry out a mock evaluation.

Multiple versions of proposal

You can submit your proposal several times before the deadline, to make updates or changes. To view or change your submitted proposal, go to My Proposals > View Submitted > Re-edit proposal . As long as the call has not been closed, the newly submitted version will overwrite the previous one.

(warning)Please note that the re-edit functionality is not available for continuously open calls.

Multiple proposals

If the Coordinator submits a number of similar proposals, the Granting Authority may ask them to choose one or more of them to be withdrawn.

Specific submission schemes

Two-stage submission schemes — You must submit a short outline proposal for stage 1 and will be invited to submit a full application only if you pass to stage 2. The full application must be consistent with the short outline proposal (no substantial differences allowed).

Calls with multiple cut-off dates — The call has a final closure date (usually the end of the funding programme) and several cut-off dates that trigger evaluation. There is an evaluation session after each cut-off date and the final closure date (normally within a month). After each cut-off date, the submitted proposals are grouped, reviewed and ranked together. Evaluation results are made available and proposals invited for grant preparation. If you miss a cut-off date, the proposal will be evaluated with the next batch in the next evaluation session.

After submission

At submission, the application package is combined into one document, sealed and an e-receipt is generated (with date and time of submission).

All contact persons of the coordinating organisation will receive an e-mail (after each submission if several). (warning) If you have not received this e-mail, the application has not been submitted. Please try again or contact the IT Helpdesk.

After the submission, there is normally no further contact between you and us until after the end of the evaluation. The competent EU service will contact you only if there is a need to clarify issues or request additional information or if the call foresees a hearing/interview as part of the evaluation procedure.

Withdrawal of submitted proposals

Before the call deadline, a proposal can be withdrawn at Step 6 of the wizard ( My Proposals > View Submitted > Withdraw proposal ). After the call deadline, withdrawal has to be requested via the IT Helpdesk.

Once withdrawn, the new status will be shown on the My Proposals page (and you can delete the application with the Delete button).

After the call deadline

Once the call deadline has passed, no further corrections or re-submissions are possible. However, you can have read-only access to the submitted proposal ( My Proposals > View Submitted ).

Proposals that were never submitted (remain in draft status) are accessible for 90 days after the call deadline ( My Proposals > View Draft ).