EU Funding & Tenders Portal

F&T Portal IT How To

IT How To

Register as an expert


By default your profile is available to all options under 'EU institutions and bodies'. 

To access which institutions or bodies can see your profile, proceed as follows:

  1. Check or uncheck the box(es) beside each of the option(s) to indicate for which institutions you want your profile to be available. 


    When you select any of the boxes under EU Institutions and bodies, all EU Programmes managed by the selected bodies will be automatically selected. The system will ask you to confirm your selection.

  2. Assuming you have selected at least one of the options under EU Institutions and Bodies, remember to check the box beside All programmes and sub-programmes of the above selected EU and non-EU institutions.
  3. Click the Save & Close button.
    You are now registered as an expert. The "Congratulations..." message is displayed.

    You can now add your publication information by clicking the Add Publications.... button.

You can edit, or add to your profile at any time by logging on to the Funding & Tenders Portal, navigating to the expert area and clicking the Edit Profile button.


As you build your profile, the data you have added appears below the Candidature number in the top right-hand corner of the screen.