EU Funding & Tenders Portal

F&T Portal IT How To

IT How To

Table of contents

Getting Started


There's three types of documents:

  1. Project documents (Document Library)
  2. Process specific documents
  3. Task documents

Project documents

How to access

The Grant Management Services will always initially display the Process List.

Click the Document Library button to view all the project documents. 

Search and ordering functionalities

Once you have clicked Document Library button, the following project documents screen will appear: 

Several features will help you to find your project documents: 

  • The documents are listed per type

  • Order by process or date


  • Select by: all, essentials, notifications


  • search


  • expand all/collapse all


  • Show draft/show obsolete
    Click  here  for more information about draft documents. 
    Click  here  for more information about obsolete documents. 

Process specific documents

How to access

The Grant Management Services will always initially display the Process List

Click the Process specific documents button to view all the process specific documents. 

Click the link of the document type and, after that, on the link of the document you wish to access:

To download all attachments, click the  Download  button; to download only one, click its corresponding link: 

Filter functionalities

Several features will help you to filter your process specific documents: 

  • The documents are listed per type

  • expand all/collapse all

Task documents

How to access

The Grant Management Services will always initially display the Process List.  

Click the Task button to view all the task specific documents.


Filter functionalities

Once you have clicked the task, the following screen will appear: 

Several information is displayed regarding per task specific document: 

  • Progress status is displayed by: 

    • colour: beneficiaries who have signed are displayed in yellow, beneficiaries who haven't signed in grey. 
    • tooltip: when hovering over the beneficiary, it is displayed whether the beneficiary already signed are not


  • Document Access log

This access log displays the user who has accessed the document, the name of the document/attachment, the date the document has been accessed. You can group per period ( or by attachment.