EU Funding & Tenders Portal

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Manage your project results

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Create your results page

When creating a new result profile, it will be set as draft by default. All the mandatory fields will be indicated by a red *. The navigation metro-line on the top will indicate at which section you are currently and the status of it. 

There are a total of 6 sections, sections 4 and 5 applicable only in specific conditions depending on your selection of result type and target audience (see description of the sections below for more details).

You can save the draft at any moment using the button at the bottom, but only after having provided input in all the compulsory fields of the section you are currently editing. If you try to save without completing all fields, the section will be in red in the navigation metro-line, and no draft can be kept when you have not filled at least the first section.

When all fields contain input in the section, you are able to go to the next one using the button. When you filled at least the first section, you will also have the possibility to navigate to the previous section and make changes via the button. Also, when a section has been filled (i.e. is showing green in the metro-line) jump in that section directly by clicking it within the navigation metro-line.

Use the  button to discard the Results at any time.

You need to complete all the sections in order to have the option to publish in the summary section.

Result title, Target Audiences and Needs

This section contains the following fields:

1. Title of result:  this field will display as title for your results. You are advise to make it as catchy as possible, in order to call the attention of readers.

2. Message / Teaser to potential user: In a brief message, please state what your result is, what is it for, what makes it special in terms of adding value or knowledge, what is your purpose of making it public, and what is your target audience. Be succinct and clear and try to capture the attention of the audience you are targeting.

3.Video: here, you need to insert a link to a video from YouTube or Vimeo identifying your project. Please note that the link has to be provided including the protocol (i.e. http or https), and it is a compulsory field.

Instead of the video, it is possible to upload an image, but it is not possible to keep both, either you show the video or the image. Images are uploaded, so even if you publish a video afterwards, the image will be still available for your result, but not visible while the video is published.

To switch between the two options, simply click the corresponding radio button in your draft.

4. Result type: to better describe your result and facilitate matching results, specify which type of result it is:

  1. Policy Related Result - Result primarily useful and influential for policy makers or legislators (Ex. regulatory analysis, policy related study, foresight analysis, pre-standard, standard, publications of other forms, etc.); 
  2. Scientific or Technological R&D Result including ICT Hardware – Any scientific or technological R&D related result at any stage of development. The results can be a scientific finding or approach, model or method, a proof of concept, a technological solution or component, a chemical, a new material, a new manufacturing process, a medicine, a therapy, an agri-food, an electric component, sensor, processor, computer hardware, etc. The result can be at any stage of development: from the basic, applied research to the prototype and commercial readiness.
  3. ICT Software Digital solution – Any software, algorithm, database, model, online platform, cloud, etc. at any stage of development.
  4. Other Intangible Results (Ex. citizens engagement platform, know-how, best practices, methodologies etc.); 
  5. Services (Ex. research infrastructures, educational sources, citizen helplines, etc.);      
  6. Other - please specify in the Result Description.

5. Target audiences: use this field in combination to the one after, Our needs are, to define who you are addressing to and what you are looking for. Select the audience(s) you are addressing to from the drop-down menu, you may select up to three. In case you selected Policy Related Result as type, you will not see "Other Actors who can help us fulfill our market potential" nor "Private Investors".

6. Our needs are: use this field in combination to the one before, Target audiences , to define who you are addressing to and what you are looking for. Select the needs from the drop-down menu, you may also select up to three. Please note that this is one of the most important matchmaking criteria. Depending on the selected target, the possible values will be different:

TargetAvailable needs

EU and Member State Policy-makers

International Organisations (ex. OECD, FAO, UN, etc.)

  • To raise awareness and possibly influence policy
Public or private funding institutions
  • Grants and Subsidies
  • Loans
  • Loan guarantees
  • Other blended financing
Other Actors who can help us fulfil our market potential
  • Business partners - SMEs, Entrepreneurs, Large Corporations
  • Incubators / Accelerators
  • Marketing Mentoring or Coaching
  • Financing Expertise
  • Technology Transfer Expertise
  • Legal / IPR advise
  • I/we wish to transfer my/our IPR to an interested party
  • Investor readiness training
  • Investor introductions
  • Business plan development
  • Expanding to more markets /finding new customers
  • Executive Training
  • Other type of Investment
Research and Technology Organisations
  • Help in technical expertise
  • Use of research Infrastructure
  • Collaboration
  • Help in technical expertise
  • Use of research Infrastructure
  • Collaboration
  • Fellowship to advance my/our research
Private Investors
  • Business Angels
  • Venture Capital
  • Crowd-funding Equity
  • Other type of Investment

7. We specifically need / are looking for: Use this field to provide a full description of who you are targeting and what needs you have. You can use the formatting buttons to organize the plain text in it.

About us

This section contains the following fields:

  1. Main project: this field is automatically populated with the project for which you are creating the results.
  2. Other related projects: optional, it allows you to select some of your other projects for which the result is relevant. The selected project(s) will not appear in your public profile. When clicking on the field, it shows the whole list of your projects, and you can start typing in the search box on the top either the programme or the project id in order to narrow the results as you type. Then, click the box on the left to link it to your result.

    After selecting the project, use the Action bin icon to easily remove it from the related projects list.
  3. Result contributors: this field allows you to select specific partners from the main projects which have contributed to the result. You must select at least one.
  4. Owners for exploitation: you need to select at least one owner among the result contributors you have selected, in order to indicate which ones will have rights to exploitation of the Intellectual Property.
  5. Start-up created for further exploitation? : select accordingly. Select yes when a start-up has been created to exploit the current result
  6. Our Logo: click on the field to brose for the logo of the result, or simply drop the file on the field. The maximum size is 1 megabyte.

Then, under the Testimonials/references subsection, provide links to references to any references and and credentials to make your profile more credible and attractive. Please note that the title cannot be longer of 60 characters, and the links need to be provided with the protocol (i.e http/https).

Click on  to add one by one, and use the action to remove any of the list.

Result Description and Influence

In this section you need to elaborate on the details for the result and its influence:

  1. Result description: use this field to provide more details about your result.
  2. Business Sector(s)/Policy Area(s): select up to three most relevant European Commission Policy areas (see the list here)
  3. Tags/Keywords: Enter the keywords to characterize your result. The keywords of the main project will have been imported for you by default, remove the ones you wish by clicking on the cross on the upper-right corner of each one of them.

In the subsection Your result's Contribution to Sustainable Development, select up to three relevant UN Strategic Development Goals (SDGs) that your result is contributing to. Check the United Nations Webpage for more information. 

If applicable, please select those RIB's most relevant to your result (up to 3). These RIB's will be included in your list of tags. For more information, please consult Horizon scanning study.

If you select that the result contributed to SDG 6, 7, 9, 11 and 12, a new field appears to mention if you are member of the World Alliance for 1000 Solutions. We would encourage you to apply for membership at the World Alliance for 1000 efficient solutions. For more information, please visit:

A subsection called Your result's influence on Policy will be available when result type is Policy Related Result, or any other result type whose associated Target Audience is one of the ‘EU and Member State Policy-makers’ or ‘International Organisations (ex. OECD, FAO, UN, etc.), an extra question appears asking about the influence on policy making. Please, indicate whether your result has had an impact on policy-making at the local National, EU or International Level in that case.

If the answer is affirmative, you will see an additional question to define such an influence. Please state which European Union Policy Areas your result has (or could have) an influence on and what exactly the influence is or could or should be. If applicable, please also quote the relevant official European Commission website and/or the related Decision, Legislation or other document from the the EU's Official Journal ( ), or the corresponding reference at other International or National Political organisations. This is of great importance for the Commission to translate you research results into making informed policy decisions in the future.

Finally, use the Other information / Data to share subsection to provide links to datasets, databases, documents or analyses, or any other type of resource, which you would like to share with other users of the platform.

The title is limited to 100 characters, regardless if it is a link or text entry, and when selecting text, you description cannot be longer than 100 characters.

Click on 75 to add one by one, and use the action to remove any of the list.

Result and Business Maturity and exploitation outlook

Fill in this section in all cases except when the result type Policy Related Result (the section will appear in the metro-line but you will not be able to access it because it is not applicable, you will jump from the Result Description and Influence section to the the Summary section)

This section is useful if you are planning to turn your result into a real life solution, product or service, and it comprises a set of fields which will help you to specify the stage of your R&D results, increasing the chances to a better match finding for potential financing opportunities.

1. Result maturity: select the value that best describes the stage of R&D of your result. See the image below to orientate yourself among the suggested stages provided in the list.

2. Current stage and next steps: When selecting a value of maturity other than not applicable, this field will show. Use it to provide more details in the current stage and describe relevant values of your result for your target audience.

3. Answer the rest of questions in the section. Depending on the answer, additional fields/questions will show in each case.

The new questions you get are self-explanatory, but use the  icon for further assistance on specific questions. Please note the following three fields:

Do you have a scalable model?

A result, or rather the business exploiting the result, can be considered scalable if it is able to adapt to the changing needs or patterns of its customers/users and to the increased demand, trends, and needs, even in the face of competition, while remaining profitable and keeping high quality standards. Factors such as the flexibility of technology design, resilience of the supply chain and logistics, the organisational structure of the company and the efficiency of its operations affect scalability.

For investors, scaling is about increasing revenue generated by one unit of resource, or simply put, doing more with less. It is about making the business more efficient and improving its unit economics over time. Growing, instead, is about acquiring and allocating resources. It is about raising funding and using the funds to recruit sales people or expanding to other geographies. It means adding more fuel to the rocket for it to go farther.

Is your result replicable?   Replicability refers to the ability of your product, service or business to be replicated and sold and delivered consistently and reliably, to serve (theoretically) infinite customers (multiple markets) the exact same service or product, to the exact same standard, every time. 
Is your result and business model sustainable in the long-term?

According to the latest definition found in,

“A business model for sustainability helps describing, analyzing, managing, and communicating (i) a company’s sustainable value proposition to its customers, and all other stakeholders, (ii) how it creates and delivers this value, (iii) and how it captures economic value while maintaining or regenerating natural, social, and economic capital beyond its organizational boundaries.”

In simple terms, a sustainable business model focuses on adding value to stakeholders, the environment and society.

4. Use the Unique Value Proposition field consistently with the message throughout your profile, specially with relation to your input in the Message/Teaser to the potential users field. Remember that you are addressing directly to potential partners and/or investors in this section!

Investors Corner

Fill in this section in all cases that the target audience is Public or private funding institutions, Other Actors who can help us fulfil our market potential or Private Investors except when the result type Policy Related Result (when not applicable, the section will appear in the metro-line but you will not be able to access it, you will jump from the previous section to the the Summary section).

This section includes a set of fields where you find a list of recommended material to have for when you wish to approach investors, as well as a field to specify the level of investment you are looking for.

For a more thorough explanation of these fields, please consult the Block 5 of The Entrepreneur's Guide.

This handbook also contains very useful material for those of wishing to set up their own companies around your research results.

The types of material listed are:

Short Presentation(s) 

short version for 10-15 mins ; detailing information from the elevator pitch and providing factual information in a manner understandable to non-specialists (note: Use the 'Message / Teaser to potential user' and the 'Video or Visual' for your elevator pitch

Detailed Description(s) / Presentation(s)

long version for 45 mins;

Case study (ies)

To demonstrate how and why the product/service meet the need of specific clients/users

Related Technology White paper

In this paper, you should provide the essence of your innovation

A reference list past business partners, employers and collaborators,

A list of those who can provide a fair and relatively objective perspective on the innovators’ performance and personality. (Also make sure you have provided some of these references under the 'References / Testimonials' field where possible.

List of current and prospective business partners (including suppliers)

With a solid knowledge of the technology and product/services. This is a
valuable signal of trust and a very important one for capital providers

A list of IPR -  patents (pending or granted) and academic papers

Also make sure to list these references under the References / Testimonials section if you wish

Complete and detailed business plan

360-degree perspective to the reader on the result.

Market study with:

This is a must have as it validates information in other documents in particular the Business Plan (the market potential) which is often the main reason why start-ups fail (in 42% of the cases). This should include:

Quantitative Assessment

...via a strategic marketing analysis) of the market potential, a precise and measurable mapping of the market.

Qualitative Assessment

...for example through a panel or survey method) of how product/service are adapted to clients/users needs.

Competitive Assessment

… addressing questions of sales cycles, of pricing and of relative positioning of existing offers.

List of current and prospective clients (‘pipeline’)

...with a grading to indicate the progression of each until signature/completion which demonstrate their understanding of their prospective clients and to communicate with them.

List of Investors

...and a capitalisation table, as well as a history of the rounds with amounts raised and associated valuations.


This last section in the metro-line shows an overview of your result very close to what the public will see. Click in any section within the metroline to go back to that section and edit it when needed.

After verifying that the results is complete, read the Terms and Conditions, accept them and click on Publish forpublication.

After publication, you have the option to unpublish, or re-publish (i.e., when making changes to the current project profile, in order to ).