EU Funding & Tenders Portal

F&T Portal IT How To

IT How To

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Video Tutorial

Completing a Consensus Report (CR)

  1. From the Active Tasks, either click the Proposal number or the Acronym.
    You can also use the Edit/View buttons under Action to access the task. Edit displays when the task has been already accepted, and View when the task has not been accepted yet.
    Or go to the Dashboard, click on the task name to access it.
  2. When displaying the task details, click on the corresponding button to accept the task or decline.
  3. When accepting the task, click OK to confirm.
  4. Expand the form by clicking the Expand link. All sections of the form open fully allowing you to browse the scores and comments. You can collapse the form again, if you wish, by clicking the Collapse link.
  5. Click the Initialise button.
  6. Select the merge options you require, and the Individual Evaluation reports (IERs) that you want to merge.   
    Then click OK. 
  7. Click Expand to open the form. The Rapporteur can now see and edit the expert comments.
  8. Click the Merge IERs button to see a view with all the IERs merged together. The scores are visible at the top. Each section is expandable. 
    The Rapporteur can see the scores and the comments of all the experts at once. This window needs to be closed in order to continue working in the CR. Use the Print to PDF or Print to DOC buttons in order to get a copy of the merged IRs in the corresponding format.
  9. While working in the CR, click the  View Changes button to view the comparison between old and new form content in a new popup window.
  10. Click using the CTRL+S key combination or the Save button to save your report at any moment and return to it at a later time.
    In addition, the system automatically saves the report data once every two minutes, ensuring that you do not lose your comments and input, even if your computer crashes, or you lose your internet connection. Information about the last save operation is shown under the Save button.
  11. When the report is ready, the Rapporteur clicks the Submit button to submit the report.

Saving and Auto-Saving Your Data

You can save your report at any moment using the CTRL+S key combination or the Save button, and return to it at a later time.

In addition, the system automatically saves the report data once every two minutes, ensuring that you do not lose your comments and input, even if your computer crashes, or you lose your internet connection. Information about the last save operation is shown under the Save button:

Going Back to the Task List

You can go back to the Task List (the Active Tasks tab or the All Tasks tab, depending on where you opened the task from) at any point using the Go to Task List button in the Evaluation Report Form screen, as indicated in the image below: