EU Funding & Tenders Portal

F&T Portal IT How To

IT How To

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More on Grant Preparation

Online Manual

Project data screens

For Horizon Europe (HE), there are a number of tabs that are specific.

Progress Reporting Periods (HE ERC)

The data in the Progress Reporting Periods tab is not automatically imported from SEP

(info)  This screen is only editable by EU Officers.

Financial Information

The Project Financial Information is automatically listed after receiving the invitation letter.

(lightbulb) Check whether the budget table is correct and whether all cost categories are present.

*For Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actionthe budget model is configured by 'unit' and the unit-costs are auto-calculated.

MSCA Doctoral Networks & MSCA Post Doctoral-Global Fellowships 


In the budget table each recruitment is displayed as a detail under the corresponding budget category, per partner.

MSCA Staff Exchange


A single detail row is added under the budget category for all exchanges, showing the total number of secondment months funded as number of units.


Researchers contribute to the project under a partner (Beneficiary or Affiliated Entity).

Each researcher should have a profile created in My Person Profile in the Portal. The information is then automatically imported from the F&T Portal to the Researchers screen and can be edited during Grant Agreement preparation.

The screen will list all researchers linked to a specific Beneficiary/Affiliated Entity.

warning Project Coordinators are able to see, update and remove all the researchers of the project and not only the researchers linked to him/her. However, they can only select their own organisation and the Associated Partners' organisation(s) (not those of other beneficiaries).

To add a researcher to the list you need to click Add researcher button and:

  • complete manually all the mandatory data fields 


  • add manually the project relevant data and automatically the researcher's personal data (using the information provided by the researcher in the My Person Profile section of the F&T Portal)
Complete manually all mandatory data fields:Add manually the project relevant data and automatically the researcher's personal data:
1Click Add researcher to add a researcher and manually complete all mandatory data fields


Click Add researcher to add a researcher

Some information (for the Person Profile Data and Personal Identifiers sections) can be automatically retrieved from the My Person Profile section of the Funding and Tenders Portal

To use that information you need to first provide the e-mail of the researcher and then click Import Profile

2Click Add Identifier to add an identifier


warning Note that only the information that the researcher made public () in the My Person Profile will be retrieved and displayed read-only. The missing information will need to be added manually

3Complete the necessary fields and click Add in the "Add Identifier" pop-up window

3Complete all mandatory data fields and, once finished, click Add in the Add Researcher data pop-up

4To edit the identifier you just need to click on the corresponding row, make the necessary changes and click OK in the "Edit Identifier" pop-up window

5To delete the identifier, click on the corresponding red X


Once finished, click Add in the Add Researcher data pop-up

Edit Researcher:

1To edit the data for a specific researcher, click the corresponding row and make all the necessary changes. When finished, click OK

2warning The read-only data (retrieved from My Person Profile) can be changed/updated only after the researcher updates his/her data in the F&T Portal.

Afterwards, in Sygma, click on Check for updates. The data will be synchronised with the one provided by the researcher in the Portal

3To finalise click OK

Delete Researcher:

1To delete a researcher, you need to click on the red X in the corresponding row

2To finalise click Yes

After completing, please click  to save your data.

JU Contributions

The data in the JU Contribution tab is not automatically imported from the Proposal Submission tool (SEP).

(lightbulb) (tick) You are able to add new members, edit or delete contributions for members.

To add new member, click on 'Add JU Contributions':

  • Add a partner from the Consortium

- Select one or more partners from the list all the active and valid partners (beneficiaries, affiliated entities, associated partners)

  • Add a new legal entity

- Enter a PIC, click the button and selects a Legal Entity to be added in the member list

  • To remove contributions for members, use the icon


The Infrastructures tab is available for topics involving transnational/virtual access to research infrastructures to add a type of access for research infrastructures (transnational or virtual):

(lightbulb) Please add all necessary infrastructures/installations and complete all the necessary fields for each of them.

To add an infrastructure/installation:

  • Click the Add Installation button.

  • Complete all fields in the pop-up that opens:
    • Access provider select the access provider from the list of active beneficiaries, affiliated entities or associated partners. It can be the infrastructure owner or, if the owner of the infrastructure is another third party contributing resources, the beneficiary/affiliated entity who they are provided to (and who coordinates access to them). Associated partners must indicate “Actual Cost” (“Access” section) and put 0 in the “Total actual costs”.

Note: a new installation is only attributed to active beneficiaries. However, for installations already attributed to former beneficiaries (no more active), the former beneficiaries can be still selected.

    • Infrastructure - choose to:
      • select and edit an already existing infrastructure 
      • add a new infrastructure 

    • Infra is an IO/ERIC (is set when first creating the Infrastructure)
      • if set to 'No' (unchecked) for an infrastructure, all the installations under it should have a country defined

      • if set to 'Yes' (checked) for an infrastructure, then all the installations under it will have the country column cleared (and set to IO)

    • Action on infra (use this field to update the information set in 'Infra is an IO/ERIC' column)
  • Installation: add an installation to the infrastructure. An installation is a part or a service of an infrastructure that can be used independently from the rest. We number progressively the installations of a same infrastructure:
    • define its short name: it has to be unique in the infrastructure (in an infrastructure you cannot find several times the same installation (within the project)
    • Country - Select the country where the installation is located (No country if the infrastructure is an international organisation, ERIC, or similar legal entity with international membership). For mobile installations (e.g. a research vessel), give the country of its usual location (e.g. the homeport)

  • Access: define the access.

Type of access — can be:

- transnational/virtual access with access costs declared on the basis of unit cost
- transnational/virtual access with access costs declared as actual costs
- transnational/virtual access with access costs declared as a combination of actual costs and unit cost.

Access costs — Cost of the access provided under the project.

Total unit costs — For access costs on the basis of unit costs:

  • Multiply the amount per unit by the quantity of access to be provided.
  • Assure the consistency between "Financial Information" costs table and the "Infrastructures" table:
    • The value of "D.3 Transnational access to research infrastructure unit costs" (in the "Financial Information" costs table) should be the same as the sum of all transnational access provision costs declared as unit costs (in the "Infrastructures" table).
    • The value of "D.4 Virtual access to research infrastructure unit costs " (in the "Financial Information" costs table) should be the same as the sum of all virtual access provision costs declared as unit costs (in the "Infrastructures" table).

After you finished, click OK to add the infrastructure/installation to the table.

After you have added the infrastructure/installation you are able to:

  • Edit the infrastructure by clicking the Edit button under the 'Action on infra' column, editing the information in the pop-up and clicking OK

  • Edit or delete the installation by clicking the corresponding buttons

Details on the Infrastructures screen for the old MFF (MFF 2014-2020), can be found on this page.

Principal Investigators (ERC)

The Principal Investigators (PI) tab is displayed for European Research Council (ERC) grants. In these projects, the "principal investigator (PI)" is the main researcher hosted by the beneficiary (the "host institution (HI)") and s/he is named in the Grant Agreement (GA).

Principal Investigators do not become party to the GA, but are key actors of ERC actions. This leads to an asymmetrical relationship (in which the Principal Investigator is the key actor in charge of innovative research, but it is the host institution that subscribes to the financial and legal obligations under the GA — since it is the beneficiary). 

Principal Investigators for ERC

Both the Consortium and the Project Officers can edit the data related to the Principal Investigators tab (Personal Information and Project related info sections):

1Make the necessary changes in the Personal Information section and click Save

2Make the necessary changes in the Project Related Info section and  click  Save


For all Horizon Europe (HORIZON) ERC types of action:

  • 'Time commitment for the action (%)' needs to respect (be higher than) the 'HE PI time commitment' in the topic configuration
  • 'Time commitment in Member State / Associated Country (%)' for a principal investigator is predefined to 50% and cannot be changed.

Details on the Principal Investigator for ERC-Synergy screen for the old MFF (MFF 2014 -2020), can be found on this page.

Recruitments (MSCA Doctoral Networks & Postdoctoral Fellowships)

  • MSCA Doctoral Networks (MSCA-DN)

The data in the Recruitments tab is not automatically imported from the Proposal Submission tool (SEP).

  • MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships (MSCA-PF)

The data in the Recruitments tab is automatically imported from the Proposal Submission tool (SEP).

*For the MSCA-PF types of action: an extra table will be displayed, allowing you to add a placement:

Click on Save and the recruitment 'duration' will be automatically modified.

Exchanges (MSCA Staff Exchanges)

For MSCA-SE: the data in the 'Exchanges' tab can be edited by the Beneficiary/Affiliated Entity.

Calls (MSCA Cofund) 

For MSCA Cofund projects only: the Coordinator adds in this screen the information about the Cofund calls (the number of researchers, the number of person months for each reporting period).


The Project Reviews will be available and are read-only.

warning This screen is only available to Horizon Europe (HORIZON) and Euratom Research and Training (EURATOM) Programmes.

(lightbulb) Any missing fields will be completed by the EU officer.

Ethics Info

The Project  Ethics will be available and are read-only.

(lightbulb) Any missing fields will be completed by the EU officer.

Before a final Opinion is encoded by Ethics experts in the Ethics evaluation process, at times, additional information may be requested from the applicant.

  • In view of this requirement, the 'Additional information needed' option needs to be selected by the expert in the SEP evaluation tool. When selected, a task is created for the Consortium to upload attachments and the Consortium is notified via the PNS system. The 'Applicant Request for Information' document, containing additional information regarding the request, is made available to the Consortium.

  • The Consortium or its representative has to upload the  requested information in Grant Management application in the Funding & Tenders Portal.

  • Documents will be visible under the corresponding section: "Additional Information Request"  and "Response to additional information request", under the Process documents.

  • After the document is uploaded, the Complete button needs to be pressed.

  • This process may be repeated, until the Consortium provides complete information to the Ethics experts.

Once all forms have been completed, the Coordinator clicks the Submit to EU button.


The Security screen is read-only to both beneficiaries and officers.