EU Funding & Tenders Portal

F&T Portal IT How To

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Viewing Proposal Details

You can access the Proposals Details screen for a given proposal in several ways.

From the Dashboard Tab

  1. Click on the task name to open the Proposal Details screen:

From the Proposals Tab

  1. Open the Proposals Tab:
  2. Hover over an icon link in the IER and CR columns, on the row of the desired proposal, to display an additional window with summary information about the proposal, as well as links for actions you can perform, depending on the task type (Write, Approve, Review). The proposal view action is available for each of the task types. The visual example below shows sample information about a "Write IER" task and a "Review CR" task:

    Click to access proposal details

  3. Click the  button to open the Proposal Details screen:

From the Active Tasks or the All Tasks Tabs

  1. Open the Active Tasks tab or the All Tasks tab. The proposal view access option is identical from both tabs. The visual example below shows the Active Tasks tab.
  2. Click the Proposal or Acronym link in the respective proposal row, as shown in the visual example above.