EU Funding & Tenders Portal

F&T Portal IT How To

IT How To

Evaluate a proposal

Video Tutorial

Using the Dashboard

To make it easier for you to manage your assigned tasks, the Dashboard shows all of them in an organized manner.

The left side shows the number of active tasks on the top, and those tasks you did not accept at the bottom. To accept the tasks click on the tasks to access the proposal details.

The right side of the screen displayed all assigned tasks by due date and by session. Clicking on the task will also take you to the proposal details screen

Use the drop-down menus on the top to display only tasks associated to a specific session or panel. Confirm your selection by clicking on the Display button:

You can also display only specific task types. Click on the task type you wish to hide

To clear the filter, click again on the hidden task type of click on the Display button 

The new assignments which need to be accepted are displayed on the right side, as well as an overview of amount of tasks by due date. 

You can see new comments in accepted tasks, if applicable. They display below the new assignments.

The experts' dashboard also includes a Remote Consensus Meetings area that displays both the currently open/ongoing meetings and the Upcoming ones. The status of an Upcoming meeting changes to currently open/ongoing ten minutes before the scheduled meeting time. The Join button also will be displayed 10 minutes before the meeting starts.

Clicking on the Join button will launch the meeting using WebEx. See Teleconferences: Using WebEx for more details.

You can also access the briefing documents of a session. To do so, select the session and the panel and click on Display (1). 

Then, click on the Supporting Documents icon at the bottom (2). The amount of available documents is indicated in the icon itself (3). Then select the evaluation  for which you want to access the documents.