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EU Funding & Tenders Portal

F&T Portal IT How To

IT How To

Table of contents

Registration as a candidate

Candidates can be invited by the EU internal services to attend a meeting as part of the evaluation of a proposal in which the candidate participates.

Candidates will need to follow a registration process similar to the experts. To register as a candidate, proceed as follows:


  1. Follow the link in the invitation email sent by the EU. You will arrive at this page:
  2. Tick the "Terms and Conditions" checkbox, then click the Continue button. After this registration as a candidate is very similar to registration as an expert. A personal details screen appears.

Personal details

  1. Enter your personal details. An example is shown below.
  2. Tick the Terms and Conditions checkbox, then click the Join button. 
    You will see a "Welcome" screen. At this stage you can carry on with the registration by clicking the Next button, or delegate to someone else to complete the registration by clicking the Delegate... link.

    As you build your profile, the details appear under your candidature number on the right-hand side of the screen.
  3. Read the message, then click the  Next  button to start the registration wizard.

    (info)  Note : If, at any stage during registration, you would prefer to complete a page later, click Skip this step ...

    A screen appears requesting your contact details.

Contact details

  1. The e-mail address mentioned under your contact details is linked to your EU Login account. Click the Change email... link which will redirected to the EU Login page where you will be able to change your email address.

  2. Enter at least one phone number.
    To enter a second phone number click Add another phone number. A second phone number field will appear.
    To delete a phone number, click the trash can icon beside the relevant number.
  3. Enter the rest of your contact details as shown above.
  4. Click the Save button.
    A screen appears requesting your areas of expertise.

Area of expertise

  1. Start typing in the   Expertise   field. Options appear below the field depending on what you type.

  2. You must select at least 3 fields but no more than 20.

  3. Click the   Save  button. A page screen appears requesting your current employment.

Current employment

  1. Enter the date you started with your current organisation.
  2. Enter employment status and your job title.
  3. Enter the full name of the organisation, or enter a partial name and click the magnifying glass to search the database for the organisation's name.

    Alternatively, click the Can not find your organisation details, enter them manually ... option.
  4. Enter the rest of the organisation's details. An example is shown below:

  5. Click the Save button to continue. A screen appears requesting details of your highest level of education.

Highest level of education

  1. Enter the date of graduation.
  2. Enter the title of the qualification and the subject.
  3. Enter a partial institution name, then click the magnifying glass to search the database for the institution. If it is found, the country will be entered automatically.

    Alternatively, click Input the organisation details manually...

     and enter the institution name and country.
    The data is saved automatically.
  4. If you wish to add another qualification, click the Save & add another button.

    A screen appears requesting your language profiiciency.

Language proficiency

  1. Click the cursor in the language field or the arrows and select a language from the drop-down list.

  2. Click the level that suits your proficiency level: Basic, Intermediate, or Proficient. By selecting Proficient you will also be given the option to select your chosen language as being your Mother tongue.

  3. Click Add new... to add another language proficiency level.
  4. Repeat these steps until you have added all your relevant language proficiency levels.

  5. Click the Save button to continue. A screen appears with the "who can see my profile" details.

Profile availability

  1. By default your profile is available for all EU institutions and bodies. This is a minimum requirement for candidate registration.

  2. Click the Next button. A congratulations screen appears. 

    You are now registered as a Candidate.

  • In the left menu, the item normally called Contracts is renamed Invitations.
  • In the center of the screen, the box normally called Contracts  is renamed Invitations. This box will display the number of invitation.
  • In the right-hand corner there is a button Become an expert above an explanation of what the candidate must do to become an expert.

How does a candidate becomes an expert

If  you are a candidate but you want to become an expert, proceed as follows:

  1. Click the Become an Expert button.

    An information page appears with the terms and conditions for working as an expert.

  2. Click the Continue button if you wish to proceed.

    Click the
    Cancel button if you do not.

    The Who can see my profile page appears.

  3. Select the programmes that you agree to work on.
  4. Click the Continue button.

    A Congratulation page appears.

You are now registered as an expert, rather than just a candidate. Note that the Invitations items on the Navigation menu and in the workspace are relabeled Contracts and Invitations.