EU Funding & Tenders Portal

F&T Portal IT How To

IT How To

Table of contents

Online Manual


  • FAQs on the Funding & Tenders Portal


The preconditions for monitoring are the signature of the Grant Agreement by the Coordinator and the EU.     

There are two types of monitoring in the Grant Management Services in the Funding & Tenders Portal:

  • Project monitoring for consortium
  • Project monitoring for experts

The project monitoring process consists of several phases: 

  • For the coordinator: 
    • Logging in to the Funding & Tenders Portal when you have received a notification

    • The coordinator uploads a reply to the assignment of experts letter received from the EU. 

  • For the experts: 
    • All experts edit their own Individual Review Report and/or Innovation Radar questionnaire and submit it to the rapporteur.

    • The rapporteur edits the Final Review Report and submits it to the EU (*Not applicable for the Innovation radar questionnaire)

  • Final steps:
    • The EU reviews the submitted Final Review Report and the Innovation Radar questionnaire (if applicable)

    • The Coordinator can contest the assessment of the EU.

Process description and steps

Supported Types of Action 

The project monitoring process is currently supported for all H2020 types of action (except for ERC-ADG, ERC-COG, ERC-LVG, ERC-POC, ERC-STG and FPA). 

The Innovation Radar is currently supported for all ICT research and innovation projects under H2020 and Horizon Europe.