EU Funding & Tenders Portal

F&T Portal IT How To

IT How To

Evaluate a proposal

Video Tutorial

Once you are authenticated through the EU login process and are logged in to the Evaluation Tool, you will see the Main Screen with its five tabs.

  1. Dashboard tab shows your assigned tasks. On the right, only new assigned tasks are listed, whereas, on the left, you find all your assigned tasks listed by due date.

  2. Proposals tab containing all the proposals assigned to you for evaluation.
  3. Documents tab containing a list of proposals for which you have tasks, you can download the available documents for all those proposals in a single zip file, instead of downloading the documents proposal per proposal.

  4. Active Tasks tab containing all the tasks that you are required to complete – as a proposal evaluator, these tasks will refer to all the Evaluation Reports you are required to write and submit. As soon as a task is submitted, it is removed from this tab and you can access it from the All Tasks tab with a status Finished (see below).
  5. All tasks tab containing all tasks that you completed plus others that you have the right to see. During the Individual Evaluation Report phase, you can see your tasks only. Once the Consensus Report phase starts, you will be able to access other types of tasks as well, such as "Review Consensus Reports", "Write Consensus Report", etc.

A task can have one of the following statuses:

  • Assigned: a task is assigned to you, but you did not yet open the evaluation report form.
  • Open: you accepted the evaluation report form already.
  • Finished: you completed and submitted your evaluation report and you can no longer modify it. If you still need to modify your report after submitting it, please contact the Call Coordinator to re-open the task for you.
  • Declined: you declined the task and you cannot access it any more. In some cases a task can be declined by the Call Coordinator on behalf of the Expert to whom the task has been assigned.
  • Cancelled: the European Commission dismissed you as a proposal evaluator for that proposal.
  • Pending: This status displays in the Status column but rather than a task status, it is an evaluation status. It is displayed when an Ethics Evaluation has been submitted with opinion "Additional Information Neeeded" and the system is awaiting for the pending reponse from the Applicant.


In the Dashboard tab there are two possible status: to complete for accepted tasks and to accept for unaccepted tasks.