EU Funding & Tenders Portal

F&T Portal IT How To

IT How To

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To modify your publications information, proceed as follows:

  1. Click CV in the Navigation

    The Modify CV screen is displayed:

  2. Click the pencil on the title bar of the Publications/books/articles

    The Books, publications, articles screen is displayed.

  3. Click on the publication entry you would like to edit in the right-hand column. The publication details appear in the left-hand column.

  4. Click the Edit button to edit the relevant publication details. If you would like to delete the entry click the Delete icon.

    Direct link:
     Manually input the direct link to the publication.
    Title: Manually input the title to the publication.
    Type of publication: Click the arrows to select the type of publication.
    Authorship: Select either Author or Co-Author.
    Authors: Manually input the names of the other Authors of the publication if relevant.
    Keywords: Manually input the keywords related to your publication.
    Date: Click the arrows to select the date of publication.
    Publisher: Manually input the name of the publisher.
    Title of the Journal/Proceedings/Book series/book: Manually input the title of the journal/proceedings/book series/book.
    Number, date or frequency of the journal/Proceedings/book: Manually input the issue number and/or periodicity.
    Relevant pages: Manually input the relevant page you would like to refer to.
    ISSN/eISSN: Manually input the ISSN/eISSN number if available.

  5. Click the Save button when you have finished editing.


    If you wish to add another publication, click the Add new button.

    Enter the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) for your publication in the DOI field and click the Go button.

    DOIs identify content permanently, and, as they are coupled with metadata, they can be modified over time to keep track of the locations and characteristics of the objects they identify. For more information consult the DOI site,

    If you do not have a DOI for your publication, click This publication does not have a DOI.


  6. Enter the publication information manually. An example is shown below:
  7. Click the Add new publication button.