EU Funding & Tenders Portal

F&T Portal IT How To

IT How To

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More on Grant Preparation

Online Manual

The Key Performance Indicators (KPI) document

(info) To fill in the Key Performance Indicators, click on the link.

You will be redirected to the form in the Funding and Tenders Portal where you can edit it. Fill in the data (hover over on the question mark to get help).

How to fill in the Key Performance Indicators - step by step

1Check the Validation Summary to see if all data is correct or if any information is still missing

2In case of issues, check the Configuration Info tab to find the name and version of the form you will need to communicate to the IT Helpdesk when reporting the issue

3Click on Cancel changes to revert to the last saved version

4Click on Save data to preserve the added information


Click on View PDF to download the PDF corresponding to the latest saved version of the form.

Once you saved your changes, the PDF document will be generated and accessible from the Documents screen in SyGMa.

Grant Agreement documents

The following annexes need to be added under Documents:

  • Annex 1 - Description Of Action (part B) (mandatory)

(info) Please note that when you would like to replace the part B, you first have to delete the previous one by clicking the 'reset button'of the corresponding line (delete). Only then you'll have the new upload button available.

(info) At this stage, you may compare the Annex 1 (part B) with the corresponding version submitted at the proposal.

  • Annex 2a - Additional information on unit costs and contributions (optional, but becomes mandatory when unit costs are declared in the grant. This document displays the 'reference' for the unit costs / contributions and it is generated automatically by the system).
  • Annex 2b - Additional information customised unit costs and contributions (optional, this annex is present only when there are specific cost categories with unit costs or contributions in the budget table. It becomes mandatory when at least one of the corresponding budget categories is filled in the Annex 2. It is manually uploaded by the Coordinator).

  • Annex 2e - Complex Funding Rate Calculator (mandatory for topics with 'Complex Funding Rates'). In this case, the annex is visible in the list of documents, but it can also be found in the F&T Portal under Reference Documents).

(info) To download the annex, click on the icon. Fill in the document and upload it in PDF format, using the button. 

Once uploaded, the PDF can still be downloaded or deleted by clicking on the corresponding icon.