EU Funding & Tenders Portal

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Video Tutorial

Declining a Task

You can decline a task assigned to you at any time throughout the evaluation process.
IMPORTANT: Before you decline a task, please consider the following:

  1. You will be prompted to provide the reason(s) why you are declining the task.
  2. Once you have declined a task, you will no longer be able to access the proposal, the evaluation report, and the task itself . In case you have declined a task by mistake and you want to re-open it, please contact your Call Coordinator who is the only person authorised to administer your tasks.

To decline a task, perform the following steps:

  1. You can access the Decline button or the Decline task button from the task list:

    … or from the proposal details screen (whether you have agreed (accepted) to evaluate the proposal or not):

    …or from the evaluation report form:

  2. To decline the task, click the respective button depending on the currently open screen.

  3. The system will prompt you to select the main reason for declining the task from a list of reasons that is specific for the task. In the visual example below, the main reason is Conflict of interest:

    (info) Note: If your reason to decline the task is different than the one(s) in the list, select Other reasons – this option typically accounts for reasons, which could not be foreseen during the task configuration. If you select Other reasons, you will have to provide an additional description of the reasons(s) in the following step.
  4. The system will then display a list of sub- reasons in order to enable you to specify further. In the visual example below, you can choose from a formal list of direct and indirect conflicts of interest that describe in more detail why you would think you could not evaluate the proposal: