EU Funding & Tenders Portal

F&T Portal IT How To

IT How To

Table of contents

Adding a bank account

To add a new bank account proceed as follows:

  1. Click the Bank account link on the Navigation bar.

    The Bank Account List screen is displayed

  2. Click the New Bank Account button.

    The Bank Account Detail screen is displayed.

    Read the information in the Eligible supporting documents section.
  3. Click the arrow on the right of the Choose country field and select the country from the drop-down list. The screen expands to show other fields, depending on the country chosen.
  4. Complete the fields. An example is shown below:

    Please note that:
    - depending on the country of the bank account, some additional compulsory fields will have to be completed (SWIFT/BIC, address of the bank branch, etc.).
    - The system will automatically check whether your IBAN/Bank account number already exists in our financial database. If it is the case, the system will retrieve the information and you will not be required to submit your request.
    - It is possible to add a display name in the Display name field: while this field is not mandatory, it is highly recommended, as the bank account number will be partially masked on screen (some of the numbers in your account number will be replaced by asterisks) for security reasons.
    - By default, your personal data will be used as account name and account holder's address. By using the switch button, you can edit the data.
    - State whether the bank account belongs to you or another person. The account name is usually the one of the account holder. However, the account holder may have chosen to give a different name to their bank account. The information should reflect the data appearing on the bank statement.
    - The checklist on the top right of the screen shows your progress.
  5. Click the Save button. The Upload Bank Statement section become active.

    You are prompted to upload your bank document (check the Eligible supporting documents section). 
  6. Upload a scan of your bank document by dropping the file in the drop box, or by clicking the drop box and navigating to the file.

    The file must be in PDF format and less than 10MB.
    The file appears in the Supporting Documents section. 


    To delete the uploaded file, click the trash can.

  7. Click the Save Then click the Submit button.
    The Submit confirmation box appears.
  8. Click the Yes button to confirm. An information message is displayed indicating that the bank account has been submitted

    You will be informed soon either that your bank account has been validated or that the internal validation services need additional information. You will not be able to submit your bank account if your personal data has not been submitted first. The BA checklist will have a blocking red cross if the Personal data (the LE) has not yet been submitted.

Deleting a bank account

To delete a draft bank account, proceed as follows:

  1. Click the Bank account link on the Navigation bar.

  2. Click the trashcan in the box of the bank account you want to delete.

    The confirmation message appears:

  3. Click the Yes button to confirm.

To remove a validated bank account from your profile, proceed as follows:

  1. Click the Bank account link on the Navigation bar.

  2. Click the trashcan in the box of the bank account you want to delete.

    A confirmation message appears:

  3. Click the Yes button to confirm.