Fisheries Areas Network


Fiches FLAG
The FLAG is mainly characterised by widespread former brown-coal mining areas. In many of the opencast pits, artificial lakes have developed, which form a major part of the landscape in the area south of Leipzig in the north-west of the FLAG territory. The long history of mining and its legacy of pollution and environmental hazards are challenges these areas must cope with.
Fiches FLAG
The FLAG area is located in the North East of Schleswig Holstein on the Baltic Sea and is crossed by the River Schlei and its estuary. Both on the coast and on the river, there is strong fisheries tradition here.
Idées de coopérations
The dello Stretto FLAG from Italy wishes to compare current states of fishing techniques, storage, distribution, gastronomic traditions and land management as well as integrated development strategies for the coastal areas of project partners. careful analysis of these factors, starting from fishing grounds to the production places, can create added value for involved territories and cultures.
Fiches FLAG
Glückstadt is a town in the Steinburg district of Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. The FLAG area consists solely of the municipality of Glückstadt and is part of the LAG AktivRegion of Steinburg. Due to its location on the Elbe river on the way to Hamburg, its long tradition lies in fish processing, mainly herring, which is not caught in the FLAG area.
Fiches FLAG
The territory of VEGAC covers the entire coast between the mouth of the river Tagliamento (North) and the northern pier of the Port of Chioggia (South). Economically, the area developed since the seventies into a major seaside resort system characterized by tourist flows thanks to the large sandy shoreline north of the Venice lagoon and to the proximity to the historic city of Venice.
Fiches FLAG
The county of Dithmarschen is a rural and coastal area located on the west coast of Schleswig-Holstein. Within this area, the fishing communities of Büsum, Friedrichskoog, Marne and the municipality of Wöhrden, form the territory covered by the FLAG.
Fiches FLAG
The fisheries area “Nordfriesland Nord” is located on the west coast of Schleswig-Holstein, just under 20 km from the Danish border. It is a rural region with a strong tourism sector. In the immediate vicinity of the FLAG lie the North Frisian Islands of Sylt, Föhr and Amrum and the numerous Hallig islands (tidal islands).
Good Practice Method
FLAG animation activities on a local fish farm have encouraged fish consumption, raised environmental awareness and launched new forms of local fish sales in the community.
Good Practice Project
Issu d'une famille de pêcheurs établie de longue date, André estimait qu'il était temps d'innover pour diversifier son activité. Ce qu’il a fait en concevant des excursions marines au départ de Ferragudo, son village situé dans le sud du Portugal. Aujourd'hui, il partage avec les touristes sa passion et sa connaissance du milieu naturel local.
Good Practice Project
Le FLAG Mariña Ortegal a aidé une entreprise sociale dans à créer des activités professionnelles pour les personnes porteuses d'un handicap et les chômeurs de longue durée, Il s’agit de réparer des caisses en plastique pour les criées locales.