Fisheries Areas Network

Qualité de l'eau

  • Indoor aquaponics farm development

    - Good Practice Short Story
    A Finnish FLAG supported a research project to create a business model based on indoor aquaponic farming. This innovative concept reduces water use by 85% and produces both fish and vegetables with near zero-waste discharge.
  • European cooperation on actions for the preservation of water quality

    - Idées de coopérations
    The Intercommunal Syndicate of Arcachon Bay (SIBA) is looking for FLAGs from EU in a variety of areas, including bays, lagoons andr gulf ecosystems, for exchanging good practices on water quality preservation. The final goal of this cooperation would be to engage with local/regional agencies in charge of water quality management; to exchange good practices, share lessons and answer common questions; and to set the baseline for a formal cooperation across European bays on the topic of water quality management.
  • Reinstating wetlands and pike spawning grounds on the Stockholm archipelago

    - Good Practice Short Story
    To restore natural balance to ecosystems on the Swedish archipelago, the Stockholmsbygd FLAG has supported an initiative aimed at reinstating coastal wetlands in an effort to increase pike stocks. Key predators in the Baltic, pike are essential to maintaining biodiversity and healthy waters in the area.
  • An app to promote waste collection and sport

    - Good Practice Project
    Afin de soutenir la conservation marine et de lutter contre les déchets marins, un pêcheur catalan (Espagne) et ses deux sœurs ont conçu une application et lancé une campagne pour promouvoir à la fois le ramassage de détritus et la pratique d’activités sportives en groupe.
  • Fishing intelligently

    - Good Practice Project
    Finnish and Polish fishermen work together on spreading new fishing techniques which benefit both the natural environment and the fisheries sector
  • FLAG helps create Spain’s first sailing school for people with disabilities

    - Good Practice Short Story
    Thanks to Murcia FLAG’s support and networking, a paraplegic man turns his personal project of rehabilitation into the first National Sailing School for people with disabilities in the country.
  • Wetland Life

    - Idées de coopérations
    A partnership of seven Greek FLAGs is looking for a transnational partner experienced in comprehensive management of protected areas including touristic activities to make them more attractive. This expertise would be collected in order to develop a management guide that will be used for the improvement of the area’s attractiveness and its guidelines and directions will be applied in the project’s publicity material (guides with alternative forms of tourism, signs, etc).
  • Dobrogea North FLAG

    - Fiches FLAG
    Situated on the Black Sea, the FLAG area is characterised by a series of reliefs and cliffs. Inland the region includes a network of lakes and the territory is crossed by a significant number of rivers, including the Casimcea with a length of 50km and a river basin of 740km2. In the FLAG area also includes the long Poarta Alba - Midia Năvodari channel which connects the Midia Maritime Luminita Por
  • A network of sustainable diving trails

    - Page de base
    A cooperation project puts environmental, social and economic sustainability at the heart of 30 diving areas in Greece and Cyprus. More information available in EN, EL, HR, ES, IT, SL
  • A network of sustainable diving trails

    - Good Practice Project
    A cooperation project puts environmental, social and economic sustainability at the heart of 30 diving areas in Greece and Cyprus.