Fisheries Areas Network

FLAG Factsheets by theme

FLAGs are partnerships between fisheries actors and other local private and public stakeholders. Together, they design and implement a local development strategy to address their area´s needs be they economic, social and/or environmental. Based on their strategy, the FLAGs select and provide funding to local projects that contribute to local development in their areas, involving thousands of local stakeholders.

  • IT-SIC-IT229

    The FLAG area is included in three provinces and seven municipalities. Fishing activities on the Sicilian islands are mainly small-scale and coastal. Their challenges include poorly developed infrastructure in landing areas, a lack of real fish markets and a low number of processing facilities.
  • IT-SIC-IT230

    The FLAG territory comprises a diverse coastline and sandy dunes and is characterised by several delicate ecosystems. The region is a major tourist destination due to its rich archaeological history.
  • IT-SIC-IT231

    Further information on this FLAG to follow.
  • IT-SIC-IT253

    Further information on this FLAG to follow.
  • IT-TOS-IT222

    The FLAG is situated in the south of the Tuscany Region on the Mediterranean Sea (Mar Tirreno). This region has a long fisheries tradition, nevertheless, the fisheries communities’ population and fleet have been reduced by 50% over the last 30 years.
  • IT-TOS-IT223

    The FLAG area was selected based on the presence of significant fishing ports accommodating the fishing fleets operating in the maritime departments of Livorno and Portoferraio, which make use of the same fishing area and fish resources. In this area, the fishermen share markets, marketing methods and processing methods.
  • IT-TOS-IT238

    The FLAG’s territory encompasses the coastline between Marina di Pisa and Marina di Carrara. Inland, the territory includes the regions of Lunigiana and Garfagnana which are predominantly mountainous and include Tuscany’s main aquaculture activities.
  • IT-TOS-IT239

    The FLAG is covered by three mainland municipalities (Follonica, Piombino and Scarlino) and one island (Isola di Capraia), and is situated in the northern Tyrrhenian coast of Italy. While traditional fisheries are still carried on by small fleets in the region, aquaculture has increased significantly over the last decade in terms of workers involved and impact on the economy.
  • IT-VEN-IT202

    The territory of VEGAC covers the entire coast between the mouth of the river Tagliamento (North) and the northern pier of the Port of Chioggia (South). Economically, the area developed since the seventies into a major seaside resort system characterized by tourist flows thanks to the large sandy shoreline north of the Venice lagoon and to the proximity to the historic city of Venice.
  • IT-VEN-IT203

    The FLAG area has remained unchanged compared to Axis 4, and includes four municipalities (Chioggia, Rosolina, Porto Viro and Porto Tolle) in the provinces of Venice and Rovigo.