Fisheries Areas Network


LAG-FLAG cooperation launches a consultancy service on funding opportunities for local citizens

In 2018, the West-Central Sardinia FLAG, together with the nearby Sinis LEADER LAG, rescued the Sportello Europa Sinis project, a public and free service to improve the communication of European, National and Regional calls and bring EU initiatives closer to the wider population. The platform, started by three local entities as a pilot project a year before and discontinued after some months due to lack of funds, provides information on funding opportunities through the website and social network (with an average of 500 users/month), and also offers personalised face-to-face consultancies to users in order to identify the appropriate tools and funding to support the activities of companies and associations in the area (50 appointments in 2019).  

The project is partly funded by the ESF and is part of FLAG-LAG activities for fostering new entrepreneurship and local start-ups linked to the Green & Blue Economy.

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