Fisheries Areas Network


Fisch vom Kutter: a success story to overcome the sanitary crisis

The Fisch vom Kutter web portal for the distance sale of freshly landed catches from the German Baltic Coat vessels is a success story that started in 2009. FARNET published a Good Practice example during the project’s first programming period.

Created with the support of the Baltic Sea coast FLAG, and considered a flagship initiative, the web portal was a way to increase sales for local vessels. In 2011, fishermen from outside the Ostseeküste FLAG area began to use the portal, boosting it at regional scale along the Baltic coast, and making it a renown brand. During the past eleven years, no additional public funding was needed, and the initiative has been managed by a volunteer on a private basis. In addition to addressing its original goal of strengthening the local fishing economy, it has teamed up with SlowFood Germany and the regional brand “Wir-fischne.sh” to further promote the consumption of locally caught fish.

Due to the current COVID-19 crisis, this consolidated brand has become more popular in the area.  The crisis enabled an increase of users, from 500 to 700 users checking the portal daily. Compared to March 2020, the number of visitors increased by 80% at the end of April, and the fishers reported a 10-20% increase in direct sales; the portal now includes a fish farm.


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