Fisheries Areas Network


  • Spain - 41 FLAGs - 125.7 M€

    - Country Factsheet
    Spain is home to the biggest fishing industry in Europe and has a long tradition of maritime activities such as fishing and aquaculture, but also fish processing, tourism and marine sports. The 41 Spanish FLAGs aim to tackle the issues of unemployment and aging populations in the fisheries sector; environmental issues; and reconciling the presence of other, growing economic sectors with fisheries.
  • Seaweed collection to fertilise local fields

    - Good Practice Short Story
    In the Vigo-A Guarda FLAG area, shellfish gatherers are working with local wine producers and a forestry association to turn seaweed - once a nuisance to their activity - into a valuable and sustainable resource: quality compost.
  • ES - FLAG Cooperation in Spain

    - Cooperation MS Fiche
    Cooperation is organised in different ways around Spain, depending on the region. In most regions, cooperation is organised at FLAG level, while in Galicia and Catalonia, calls for projects are organised by the regional authorities in charge of CLLD. These calls tend to be coordinated closely with the FLAGs in order to ensure they meet the needs on the ground.
  • From marine litter to tools for the fisheries sector

    - Good Practice Project
    The Costa Sostible FLAG has supported the renovation of an abandoned local school to be used as a new marine litter transformation centre by three associations for the handicapped.
  • New funds for small-scale fisheries projects

    - News
    WWF and Blue Seeds have launched an innovative scheme supporting small-scale fishers in coastal areas that want to implement measures to reduce the environmental impact of fisheries.
  • New funds for small-scale fisheries projects

    - Basic page
    WWF and Blue Seeds have launched an innovative scheme supporting small-scale fishers in coastal areas that want to implement measures to reduce the environmental impact of fisheries.
  • MPAs: under fishers' surveillance

    - Good Practice Project
    With support from the FLAG, local fishers are helping enforce protection measures and halt poaching in the region’s oldest fisheries marine reserve, Cabo de Palos. Its improved protection has favoured an increase of endemic species.
  • A network for seafaring women

    - Basic page
    A cooperation project between two Catalan FLAGs has supported the creation of an association, which aims to increase the visibility of women from fishing and aquaculture and improve their ability to develop business projects that help diversify the sector.
  • A network for seafaring women

    - Good Practice Project
    Projekt oparty na współpracy między dwiema katalońskimi grupami FLAG pomógł w założeniu stowarzyszenia, mającego poprawiać widoczność kobiet w rybołówstwie i akwakulturze oraz zwiększać ich zdolności do rozwijania projektów biznesowych przyczyniających się do różnorodności tego sektora.
  • Freeing maritime areas from poaching

    - Good Practice Short Story
    Through cooperation between the island government and the FLAG, the fishing sector in la Gomera has been involved in the study, location and design of a protocol for the removal of traps used for illegal fishing.