EU Food Loss and Waste Prevention Hub

Member State Page : Czech Republic

Last updated on the 29/09/2023

Picture 1
Food waste data – national:

Per capita: 91 kg in 2020
In total:  972 445 tonnes in 2020

Picture 2
Food waste data – sectoral:

Primary production: 27 022 tonnes in 2020  Processing and manufacturing: 100 339 tonnes in 2020 
Retail and other distribution of food: 64 394 tonnes in 2020
Restaurants and food services: 37 941 tonnes in 2020
Households: 742 749 tonnes in 2020

Picture 3

National target: Reduce food waste at retail and consumer level by 2030


The Czech Republic is committed to reduce food waste both at retail and consumer levels by 2030 (Sustainable Development Goal Target 12.3).


The national waste prevention programme foresees the development of a food waste methodology at each stage of the food supply chain and a study on food waste flows by 2022. The objective is to gain an overview of food waste levels, which will help to set a baseline, to obtain primary data and to monitor the impacts of food waste prevention measures.

The guidelines for data collection are based on the methodology of the Commission Delegated Decision (EU) 2019/1597. Every year, one new part of the food supply chain is included in the system of food waste monitoring. So far, the Czech Republic has charted the stages of primary production and has selected sectors from the food production stage, as well as from the catering sector. Similar work on the retail sector begun early 2021.

Several research projects have been carried out in the Czech Republic, which focused on the measurement of food waste at the different stages of the food chain. A research project called ‘Promoting pro-environmental patterns of behaviour and incentives for behavioural change in food waste production and waste’ carried out by the Mendel University in Brno aimed to understand and influence consumer behaviour regarding food waste (2019-2022).

A study considering food waste in the catering sector entitled ‘Reduction of food waste in public catering RedPot’ has also been finalised.


The Czech Republic has updated its national waste management plan, together with its waste prevention programme. The latter contains a section dedicated to food waste prevention, which includes:

  • measures to support food donation (including research, innovation);
  • the application of the food use hierarchy (the waste hierarchy, including the principles of the food use hierarchy, is set out in the Act No 185/2001 Coll., on waste);
  • the dissemination of information and awareness programmes aimed at reducing food waste;
  • the elaboration of educational materials on food waste prevention, as part of the environmental education, training and public awareness programme;
  • an analysis of the current legislative framework to prevent food waste, in light of setting new requirements and objectives (including legislative requirements for valorisation of foodstuffs no longer fit for human consumption, optimising requirements for catering facilities and the use of food);
  • an analysis of the possibilities to reduce the weight of food packaging;
  • the development of a food waste measurement methodology (quantitative and qualitative) to gather data, set a baseline and monitor progress made;
  • integration of food waste prevention in research programs; support for research and innovation programs in this field.

The Czech Republic is preparing a strategic framework for the transition towards circular economy Circular Czechia 2040, in which food waste prevention will also be featured. The Czech Republic plans to encourage consumers to consume food more responsibly and to support measures to reduce food waste and related food bank projects to reduce food waste.

There is a broad cooperation concerning food waste prevention at all levels of the public and the private sectors.  Over the past few years, there have been several meetings, round tables and conferences attended by representatives of food businesses, non-profit organizations and national authorities in order to promote cross-sectoral cooperation.

In the area of food redistribution, there is a legal obligation for food stores bigger than 400 m2 to donate safe food that cannot be sold to charity organisations. Other food business operators (e.g. smaller retailers, food producers, farmers etc.) may voluntarily donate the food through food banks. The Ministry of Agriculture is providing financial support to food banks in the form of subsidies. The national investment plan 2020-2050 includes several projects to support the activities of food banks, such as operational support, the construction and renovation of storage facilities etc.

A new Czech Decree, which entered into force in 2023, now facilitates the donation of meals. It is allowed to cool or freeze hot dish within the time limit set for its serving. Surplus meals can be donated to organizations providing food for charitable purposes. 

The national waste prevention programme includes measures to support educational and awareness-raising activities regarding food waste. The Ministry of the Environment supports educational and awareness-raising initiatives in the area of waste prevention (including food waste) carried out by non-profit organizations.

Educational materials on food waste prevention have been developed as part of the state programe on environmental education and public awareness 2016-2025, and have been included into the school curricula. The programme also targets the non-profit sector, as well as lifelong education and training. It supports environmental programmes for educators and it defines methodologies to evaluate the current programmes.

Improving consumer understanding of date marking is a priority area for the Czech Republic, and several awareness activities have been organised in this regard, including the publication of guidance on food labelling for consumers and a training for food business operators on food labelling. The non-governmental organisation Zachran jidlo carried out an awareness-raising campaign focussing on date marking (2019).

The strategy of the Ministry of Agriculture for 2030 focusses on awareness-raising campaigns for the general public concerning agricultural production of food, food composition, food labelling, as well as the quality of food.

Support for research, experimental development and innovation in the field of food waste prevention is provided primarily through the Czech Technology Agency. The Ministry of Environment provides support for projects and technologies focused on the waste prevention through the Operational Programme Environment.


Relevant resources


Principles of Compulsory food donation', joint initiative of the Czech Confederation of Commerce and Tourism and the Czech Food Bank Federation (CS)
(Zasady darovani-final-28082017.pdf - 820KB)