EU Food Loss and Waste Prevention Hub

Complete survey to help FOLOU to develop relevant education and training materials

  • Uploaded on Monday 27 of May 2024
  • Author(s) FOLOU Consortium

FOLOU aims to drive systemic transition by:

  • Measuring food losses in agriculture, aquaculture, and fisheries.
  • Monitoring and reporting food losses at Member States and European levels.
  • Assessing the magnitude, impact, and drivers of food losses.
  • The University of Reading is collaborating on this initiative, identifying knowledge gaps and developing materials to empower stakeholders in reducing food losses.

Your expertise is needed to identify areas where an increase in the availability of learning and training materials can make a difference.

Contribute to this vital effort by filling out the survey! (Open until May 31, takes only 10 minutes)

Name of organisation : FOLOU Project

Contact email:

Further information:


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